How to find main decision maker in charge for holding of public equity?

Tim Toron Oct 26, 2023


My question is exclusively for publicly traded stocks that are NOT exclusively listed on USA stock exchanges.

Other countries and/or other stock exchanges might not have so called ''fillings'' (sec fillings) at least not accessible on the web without access to Bloomberg Terminal (I don't have it).

Could anyone please tell me how and where do I find full name of the person who is in charge, with significant authorities, for the holding of particular publicly traded stock in their existing portfolio either on the side of publicly listed company (treasury stocks) or on the side of large shareholder (portfolio stock). Research on LinkedIn doesn't seem to provide needed data. It would be great if direct phone number to this person or at least direct phone number to the relevant department, without having to go to reception/switchboard/client service team/account opening team/etc, would also be available.

The larger the shareholder as beneficial owner of the stock is, the more partners it will have and the harder will be to find the right name of point of contact of the person who is the main one in charge for particular holding of stock. Same applies for the size of treasury (corporate finance) departments or the size of board members if I'm referring to publicly listed companies instead of their shareholders.

Sometimes are names of Shareholder Representatives stated on annual reports but this won't help because they are usually from nonexecutive committees and therefore not located in the head office of company and do not have accessible email with same domain name as company's website domain is. Receptionists or investor relations partners won't know anything. If they will, they won't disclose.

What else could I do to find the main person (e.g. main portfolio manager) in charge for decision on particular stock? It usually happens that institutional shareholders own multiple publicly traded stocks (multiple stock ticker ids from multiple companies). One of their partner is in charge for one stock, another partner for second stock, yet another for third stock, etc. To the right main decision maker for wanted stock has to be somewhere found (full name) - identified.

Could someone please tell me where could I get this info?

Thank you!

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