Personal Income, Monthly : 24853.7 (As of 2024-08-01)


Basic Info

Personal Income, Monthly was 24853.7 as of 2024-08-01, according to Bureau of Economic Analysis. Historically, Personal Income, Monthly reached a record high of 24853.7 and a record low of 391.8, the median value is 5163.6. Typical value range is from 16 to 22. The Year-Over-Year growth is 7.6%. GuruFocus provides the current actual value, an historical data chart and related indicators for Personal Income, Monthly - last updated on 2024-08-01.

Monthly , seasonally adjusted annually . Personal income is the income that persons receive in return for their provision of labor, land, and capital used in current production and the net current transfer payments that they receive from business and from government.25 Personal income is equal to national income minus corporate profits with inventory valuation and capital consumption adjustments, taxes on production and imports less subsidies, contributions for government social insurance, net interest and miscellaneous payments on assets, business current transfer payments (net), current surplus of government enterprises, and wage accruals less disbursements, plus personal income receipts on assets and personal current transfer receipts. BEA Account Code: A065RC1 A Guide to the National Income and Product Accounts of the United States (NIPA) - (
Category National Accounts
Region USA
Source Bureau of Economic Analysis


Name Value
Last Value 24853.7
Latest Period 2024-08-01
Long Term Average 19,205.85
Average Annualized Growth Rate +6.53%
Value from 1 year ago 23094.5
Change from 1 year ago +7.62%
Frequency Daily
Unit Billion USD
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