7.12% of Series I savings bonds

Praveen Chawla Nov 22, 2021

NEWS: The initial interest rate on new Series I savings bonds is 7.12 percent. You can buy I bonds at that rate through April 2022.

Charlie Tian Nov 22, 2021

The limit per person per year is $10000.

Eric Napier Nov 23, 2021

-Max $10,000 per person per year.

-Can't cash in for at least 12 months.

-If you redeem within 5 years, you forfeit the last 3 months of interest.

Could be a great place to park some medium-term emergency cash.

Praveen Chawla Nov 23, 2021

Put $10K for each family member. It's a good deal for US residents with the markets so high.

Eric Napier Nov 24, 2021

Personally, I tend to agree. Where else can you get 7% guaranteed?

Douglas Sabra Nov 26, 2021

The 7% is not "guaranteed", The rate is variable and resets twice each year based on the CPI-U and interest is compounded semi-annually.

Eric Napier Nov 26, 2021

It is "guaranteed" for the next 6 months. Nobody said it was guaranteed in perpetuity.