Individual Income Tax Filing: Tax Payments: Income Tax Withheld, Amount in USD : 1222368779 (As of 2016-01-01) ( Discontinued )


Basic Info

Individual Income Tax Filing: Tax Payments: Income Tax Withheld, Amount in USD was 1222368779 as of 2016-01-01, according to Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Historically, Individual Income Tax Filing: Tax Payments: Income Tax Withheld, Amount in USD reached a record high of 1222368779 and a record low of 695526980, the median value is 859282606. Typical value range is from 867095596 to 1130829203. The Year-Over-Year growth is 2.11%. GuruFocus provides the current actual value, an historical data chart and related indicators for Individual Income Tax Filing: Tax Payments: Income Tax Withheld, Amount in USD - last updated on 2016-01-01.

Annual , not seasonally adjusted . Represents tax withheld on (a) salaries and wages; (b) certain tip income; (c) pensions and annuities; (d) certain gambling winnings; and (e) distributions from profit-sharing plans, retirement plans, and Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs). Also included are taxes withheld as a result of "backup withholding" on certain interest, dividends, and royalty payments, which otherwise were not subject to withholding. For additional information about the return filing requirements, see the annual reports, Statistics of Income-Individual Income Tax Returns at
Category Population, Employment, & Labor Markets
Region USA
Source Internal Revenue Service (IRS)


Name Value
Last Value 1222368779
Latest Period 2016-01-01
Long Term Average 998,962,399.82
Average Annualized Growth Rate +3.37%
Value from 1 year ago
Change from 1 year ago %
Frequency Annual
Unit Thousands
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