Individual Income Tax Filing: Itemized Deductions, Charitable Contributions, Number of Returns : 36936749 (As of 2016-01-01) ( Discontinued )


Basic Info

Individual Income Tax Filing: Itemized Deductions, Charitable Contributions, Number of Returns was 36936749 as of 2016-01-01, according to Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Historically, Individual Income Tax Filing: Itemized Deductions, Charitable Contributions, Number of Returns reached a record high of 41437749 and a record low of 35523471, the median value is 37966563. Typical value range is from 36325180 to 39777208. The Year-Over-Year growth is 0.85%. GuruFocus provides the current actual value, an historical data chart and related indicators for Individual Income Tax Filing: Itemized Deductions, Charitable Contributions, Number of Returns - last updated on 2016-01-01.

Annual , not seasonally adjusted . For additional information about the return filing requirements, see the annual reports, Statistics of Income-Individual Income Tax Returns at
Category Population, Employment, & Labor Markets
Region USA
Source Internal Revenue Service (IRS)


Name Value
Last Value 36936749
Latest Period 2016-01-01
Long Term Average 38,051,194.45
Average Annualized Growth Rate +0.23%
Value from 1 year ago
Change from 1 year ago %
Frequency Annual
Unit Number
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