Individual Income Tax Filing: Standard Deductions, Amount in USD : 893666363 (As of 2016-01-01) ( Discontinued )


Basic Info

Individual Income Tax Filing: Standard Deductions, Amount in USD was 893666363 as of 2016-01-01, according to Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Historically, Individual Income Tax Filing: Standard Deductions, Amount in USD reached a record high of 900609447 and a record low of 463960491, the median value is 674834644. Typical value range is from 681367882 to 869306885. The Year-Over-Year growth is -0.77%. GuruFocus provides the current actual value, an historical data chart and related indicators for Individual Income Tax Filing: Standard Deductions, Amount in USD - last updated on 2016-01-01.

Annual , not seasonally adjusted . Standard deductions were indexed for inflation. Statistics for taxpayers with the additional standard deduction for age 65 or over exclude those who checked the box on tax returns indicating age 65 or over, but then itemized their deductions instead of claiming standard deductions. For additional information about the return filing requirements, see the annual reports, Statistics of Income-Individual Income Tax Returns at
Category Population, Employment, & Labor Markets
Region USA
Source Internal Revenue Service (IRS)


Name Value
Last Value 893666363
Latest Period 2016-01-01
Long Term Average 775,337,383.45
Average Annualized Growth Rate +3.93%
Value from 1 year ago
Change from 1 year ago %
Frequency Annual
Unit Thousands
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