New Privately Owned Housing Starts in the United States, Total Two or More Units : 88 (As of 2024-04-01)


Basic Info

The metric tracks the number of new residential construction projects initiated for buildings containing two or more housing units. It encompasses all new residential buildings that are designed to house two or more separate families or individuals. However, it does not distinguish between units built for rental or sale purposes, focusing solely on the number of units started in multi-family buildings. "Starts" typically refers to the point at which construction on the building's foundation has begun.

Quarterly , seasonally adjusted .

New Privately Owned Housing Starts in the United States, Total Two or More Units was 88 as of 2024-04-01, according to United States Census Bureau. Historically, New Privately Owned Housing Starts in the United States, Total Two or More Units reached a record high of 205 and a record low of 19, the median value is 88. Typical value range is from 85 to 122. The Year-Over-Year growth is -36.61%. GuruFocus provides the current actual value, an historical data chart and related indicators for New Privately Owned Housing Starts in the United States, Total Two or More Units - last updated on 2024-04-01.

Category Production & Business Activity
Region USA
Source United States Census Bureau


Name Value
Last Value 88
Latest Period 2024-04-01
Long Term Average 103.80
Average Annualized Growth Rate -0.93%
Value from 1 year ago 139
Change from 1 year ago -36.69%
Frequency Quarterly
Unit Thousands
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