New Privately Owned Housing Starts in the United States by Design Type, Detached One-Family Units : 240 (As of 2024-04-01)


Basic Info

The metric "New Privately Owned Housing Starts in the United States by Design Type, Detached One-Family Units" tracks the number of new construction projects initiated for detached single-family homes. Detached one-family units are standalone houses that do not share walls with any other residential structure, typically featuring a yard and being designed for occupancy by a single family. "Starts" typically refers to the point at which construction on the building's foundation has begun.

Quarterly , seasonally adjusted.

New Privately Owned Housing Starts in the United States by Design Type, Detached One-Family Units was 240 as of 2024-04-01, according to United States Census Bureau. Historically, New Privately Owned Housing Starts in the United States by Design Type, Detached One-Family Units reached a record high of 418 and a record low of 71, the median value is 223. Typical value range is from 159 to 231. The Year-Over-Year growth is 8.09%. GuruFocus provides the current actual value, an historical data chart and related indicators for New Privately Owned Housing Starts in the United States by Design Type, Detached One-Family Units - last updated on 2024-04-01.

Category Production & Business Activity
Region USA
Source United States Census Bureau


Name Value
Last Value 240
Latest Period 2024-04-01
Long Term Average 194.80
Average Annualized Growth Rate +0.74%
Value from 1 year ago 222
Change from 1 year ago +8.11%
Frequency Quarterly
Unit Thousands
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