Total Revenue for Truck, Utility Trailer, and RV (Recreational Vehicle) Rental and Leasing, Establishments Subject to Federal Income Tax was 8644 as of 2024-07-01, according to United States Census Bureau. Historically, Total Revenue for Truck, Utility Trailer, and RV (Recreational Vehicle) Rental and Leasing, Establishments Subject to Federal Income Tax reached a record high of 8644 and a record low of 3172, the median value is 4753. Typical value range is from 4722 to 7721. The Year-Over-Year growth is 2.36%. GuruFocus provides the current actual value, an historical data chart and related indicators for Total Revenue for Truck, Utility Trailer, and RV (Recreational Vehicle) Rental and Leasing, Establishments Subject to Federal Income Tax - last updated on 2024-07-01.
Quarterly , not seasonally adjusted . For further information regarding Quarterly Services, visit the source website at