Capacity Utilization: Manufacturing (NAICS) : 77.109% (As of 2024-08-01)


Basic Info

"Capacity Utilization: Manufacturing (NAICS)" measures the percentage of manufacturing production capacity that is currently being used. This metric applies to the manufacturing sector defined by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), which includes a wide range of industries such as machinery, electronics, chemicals, food products, and textiles. Historically, capacity utilization in the manufacturing sector has fluctuated with changes in economic cycles, global demand, and technological advancements.

Monthly , seasonally adjusted .

Capacity Utilization: Manufacturing (NAICS) was 77.109 as of 2024-08-01, according to The Federal Reserve. Historically, Capacity Utilization: Manufacturing (NAICS) reached a record high of 88.4957 and a record low of 60.9675, the median value is 78.1289. Typical value range is from 73.61 to 78.73. The Year-Over-Year growth is -1.18%. GuruFocus provides the current actual value, an historical data chart and related indicators for Capacity Utilization: Manufacturing (NAICS) - last updated on 2024-08-01.

Category Production & Business Activity
Region USA
Source The Federal Reserve


Name Value
Last Value 77.109%
Latest Period 2024-08-01
Long Term Average 76.17%
Average Annualized Growth Rate -0.1%
Value from 1 year ago 78.0339%
Change from 1 year ago -1.19%
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Unit %
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