M2 Money Stock, Brazil : 2373062417010.12 (As of 2017-05-01) ( Discontinued )


Basic Info

M2 Money Stock, Brazil was 2373062417010.12 as of 2017-05-01, according to International Monetary Fund. Historically, M2 Money Stock, Brazil reached a record high of 2373062417010.12 and a record low of 0.0124, the median value is 3562882900. Typical value range is from 1 to 2. The Year-Over-Year growth is 5.29%. GuruFocus provides the current actual value, an historical data chart and related indicators for M2 Money Stock, Brazil - last updated on 2017-05-01.

Monthly , not seasonally adjusted . M2 comprises M1 plus interest-bearing deposits, savings deposits, and securities issued by depository corporations. Copyright © 2016, International Monetary Fund. Reprinted with permission. Complete terms of use and contact details are available at http://www.imf.org/external/terms.htm.
Category International Data
Region BRA
Source International Monetary Fund


Name Value
Last Value 2373062417010.12
Latest Period 2017-05-01
Long Term Average 1,594,768,712,204.20
Average Annualized Growth Rate +100.24%
Value from 1 year ago
Change from 1 year ago %
Frequency Daily
Unit BRL
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