Annualized Return difference between Russell 1000 Value and Growth : -10.6744% (As of 2025-01-13)


Basic Info

The Annualized Return difference between the Russell 1000 Value and Russell 1000 Growth indexes quantifies the disparity in returns between value and growth stocks within the U.S. large-cap sector, measured over rolling five-year periods. This metric is particularly useful for assessing the cyclical behaviors of the market—value stocks often lead during periods of economic recovery or when markets favor lower valuation levels, whereas growth stocks tend to perform better during bull markets and times of economic expansion. Since 2005, there has been a downward trend for the annualized return difference between Russell 1000 Value and Russell 1000 Growth indexes.

The data was calculated from the rolling five-year periods. The negative value indicates that the value index is underperforming the growth index, and vice versa.

Annualized Return difference between Russell 1000 Value and Growth was -10.6744 as of 2025-01-13, according to GuruFocus. Historically, Annualized Return difference between Russell 1000 Value and Growth reached a record high of 16.2735 and a record low of -16.0002, the median value is -2.816. Typical value range is from -11.06 to -3.3. The Year-Over-Year growth is 4.23%. GuruFocus provides the current actual value, an historical data chart and related indicators for Annualized Return difference between Russell 1000 Value and Growth - last updated on 2025-01-13.

Category Market Trend
Region USA
Source GuruFocus


Name Value
Last Value -10.6744%
Latest Period 2025-01-13
Long Term Average -7.18%
Average Annualized Growth Rate NaN%
Value from The Previous Market Day -11.0363%
Change from The Previous Market Day -3.28%
Value from 1 year ago -10.2386%
Change from 1 year ago +4.26%
Frequency Daily
Unit %

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