Employment Population Ratio: Ages 25+ with Bachelor's Degree or Higher : 55% (As of 2024-12-01)


Basic Info

Employment Population Ratio: Ages 25+ with Bachelor's Degree or Higher was 55 as of 2024-12-01, according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Historically, Employment Population Ratio: Ages 25+ with Bachelor's Degree or Higher reached a record high of 58 and a record low of 30.7, the median value is 51. Typical value range is from 52.8 to 55.8. The Year-Over-Year growth is 0%. GuruFocus provides the current actual value, an historical data chart and related indicators for Employment Population Ratio: Ages 25+ with Bachelor's Degree or Higher - last updated on 2024-12-01.

Monthly , seasonally adjusted . To obtain estimates of women worker employment, the ratio of weighted women employees to the weighted all employees in the sample is assumed to equal the same ratio in the universe. The current month's women worker ratio, thus, is estimated and then multiplied by the all-employee estimate. The weighted-difference-link-and-taper formula (described in the source) is used to estimate the current month's women worker ratio. This formula adds the change in the matched sample's women worker ratio (the weighted-difference link) to the prior month's estimate, which has been slightly modified to reflect changes in the sample composition (the taper). The series comes from the 'Current Population Survey (Household Survey)' The source code is: LNS12300002
Category Population, Employment, & Labor Markets
Region USA
Source U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics


Name Value
Last Value 55%
Latest Period 2024-12-01
Long Term Average 54.26%
Average Annualized Growth Rate +0.75%
Value from 1 year ago 55%
Change from 1 year ago 0%
Frequency Daily
Unit %
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