Sri Lanka / U.S. Foreign Exchange Rate (EXSLUS) : 300.2305 (As of 2024-08-01)


Basic Info

Sri Lanka / U.S. Foreign Exchange Rate (EXSLUS) was 300.2305 as of 2024-08-01, according to The Federal Reserve. Historically, Sri Lanka / U.S. Foreign Exchange Rate (EXSLUS) reached a record high of 363.945 and a record low of 6.0467, the median value is 67.1104. Typical value range is from 130.5 to 278.92. The Year-Over-Year growth is -6.3%. GuruFocus provides the current actual value, an historical data chart and related indicators for Sri Lanka / U.S. Foreign Exchange Rate (EXSLUS) - last updated on 2024-08-01.

Monthly , not seasonally adjusted . Averages of daily figures. Noon buying rates in New York City for cable transfers payable in foreign currencies. This data series is updated from the source files in the Data Download Program ( The files are updated on a weekly basis every Monday. If Monday is a holiday, the data files are updated the next business day. Monthly values are averages of the daily data available. Preliminary value for the current month is provided by the source even if not all daily values are available for the entire month. Please note that the values reported on the press release may not correspond to the values in the Data Download Program when the press release is published on a day other than Monday. This inconsistency is resolved on the next available weekly release date.
Category Money, Banking, & Finance
Region LKA
Source The Federal Reserve


Name Value
Last Value 300.2305
Latest Period 2024-08-01
Long Term Average 204.71
Average Annualized Growth Rate +7.64%
Value from 1 year ago 320.4726
Change from 1 year ago -6.32%
Frequency Daily
Unit LKR
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