Michael Dell

Michael Dell

MSD Capital
Last update 2024-08-14 3 Stocks (0 new)
Value $348.00 Mil Turnover 0 %
Portfolio Report

Michael Dell Profile

Michael Dell created the Dell Computer Corporation in 1984 in his dorm room at the University of Texas in Austin. His profile tracks the portfolio of MSD Capital. MSD Capital is a private investment firm established in 1998 to exclusively manage the assets of Michael Dell and his family. MSD Capital engages in a broad range of investment activities and has the flexibility to invest in a wide variety of asset classes. MSD has offices located in New York, Santa Monica and West Palm Beach.

Michael Dell Investing Philosophy

According to the MSD Capital website, "The purpose of MSD Capital is to make investments that consistently generate superior absolute risk-adjusted returns over the long-term. We evaluate investment opportunities by utilizing multi-disciplinary frameworks of analysis to generate thoughtful and robust investment theses. We are motivated by an intense curiosity to grasp the underlying truths that govern financial markets and economic behavior. We note that these truths may be contrary to the consensus view, but we believe that our discipline as independent thinkers will allow us to identify these truths and secure long-term success. Throughout the organization, we share a common desire to be the best at what we do, and we believe this never-ending pursuit of excellence has intrinsic value independent of any economic benefit that we may receive. Finally and most importantly, we conduct all business with the highest level of integrity, honesty and discipline."
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