Tc Group, Llc - Net Worth and Insider Trading
Tc Group, Llc Insider Ownership Reports
Based on ownership reports from SEC filings, as the reporting owner, Tc Group, Llc owns 23 companies in total, including ZoomInfo Technologies Inc (ZI) , CoreSite Realty Corp (COR) , and Wesco Aircraft Holdings Inc (WAIR) among others .
Click here to see the complete history of Tc Group, Llc’s form 4 insider trades.
Insider Ownership Summary of Tc Group, Llc
Ticker | Comapny | Transaction Date | Type of Owner |
ZI | ZoomInfo Technologies Inc | 2020-06-04 | 10 percent owner |
COR | CoreSite Realty Corp | 2020-08-05 | 10 percent owner |
WAIR | Wesco Aircraft Holdings Inc | 2020-01-09 | 10 percent owner |
2019-12-19 | 10 percent owner | ||
2016-05-06 | 10 percent owner | ||
2019-02-01 | 10 percent owner | ||
2012-05-02 | 10 percent owner | ||
2012-03-14 | 10 percent owner | ||
2013-04-12 | 10 percent owner | ||
2011-01-27 | 10 percent owner | ||
2012-05-02 | 10 percent owner | ||
2012-05-02 | 10 percent owner | ||
2012-04-04 | 10 percent owner | ||
2011-02-10 | 10 percent owner | ||
2010-03-30 | 10 percent owner | ||
2011-03-31 | 10 percent owner | ||
2019-02-01 | 10 percent owner | ||
2019-12-19 | 10 percent owner | ||
2022-08-01 | 10 percent owner | ||
2022-08-01 | 10 percent owner | ||
2022-08-01 | 10 percent owner | ||
2022-08-01 | 10 percent owner | ||
2023-01-12 | 10 percent owner |
Tc Group, Llc Trading Performance
Tc Group, Llc Ownership Network
Ownership Network List of Tc Group, Llc
Ownership Network Relation of Tc Group, Llc
Tc Group, Llc Owned Company Details
What does ZoomInfo Technologies Inc do?
Who are the key executives at ZoomInfo Technologies Inc?
Tc Group, Llc is the 10 percent owner of ZoomInfo Technologies Inc. Other key executives at ZoomInfo Technologies Inc include director & 10 percent owner David Randall Winn , Chief Technology Officer Ali Dasdan , and director & 10 percent owner & Chief Executive Officer Henry Schuck .
ZoomInfo Technologies Inc (ZI) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, Tc Group, Llc made no insider transaction in ZoomInfo Technologies Inc (ZI). Other recent insider transactions involving ZoomInfo Technologies Inc (ZI) include a net sale of 32,642 shares made by Ali Dasdan , a net purchase of 1,992,500 shares made by Henry Schuck , and a net sale of 15,000 shares made by Peter Cameron Hyzer .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 504,898 shares of ZoomInfo Technologies Inc (ZI) in total and bought 492,500 shares, with a net sale of 12,398 shares. During the past 18 months, 566,011 shares of ZoomInfo Technologies Inc (ZI) were sold and 1,992,500 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 1,426,489 shares.
ZoomInfo Technologies Inc (ZI)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
ZoomInfo Technologies Inc Insider Transactions
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What does CoreSite Realty Corp do?
Who are the key executives at CoreSite Realty Corp?
Tc Group, Llc is the 10 percent owner of CoreSite Realty Corp. Other key executives at CoreSite Realty Corp include SVP & Engineering & Product Brian Warren , Chief Accounting Officer Mark R Jones , and Chief Financial Officer Jeffrey S Finnin .
CoreSite Realty Corp (COR) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of CoreSite Realty Corp (COR) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of CoreSite Realty Corp (COR) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
CoreSite Realty Corp (COR)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
CoreSite Realty Corp Insider Transactions
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What does Wesco Aircraft Holdings Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Wesco Aircraft Holdings Inc?
Tc Group, Llc is the 10 percent owner of Wesco Aircraft Holdings Inc. Other key executives at Wesco Aircraft Holdings Inc include 10 percent owner Tc Group Iv Managing Gp, L.l.c. , Executive Vice President & CFO Kerry A Shiba , and 10 percent owner Carlyle Holdings I L.p. .
Wesco Aircraft Holdings Inc (WAIR) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Wesco Aircraft Holdings Inc (WAIR) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Wesco Aircraft Holdings Inc (WAIR) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Wesco Aircraft Holdings Inc (WAIR)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Wesco Aircraft Holdings Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Pivotal Acquisition Corp do?
Who are the key executives at Pivotal Acquisition Corp?
Tc Group, Llc is the 10 percent owner of Pivotal Acquisition Corp. Other key executives at Pivotal Acquisition Corp include director & Chief Executive Officer Christopher Weiler , EVP & Global Sales & Marketing Krystina L. Jones , and Chief Financial Officer Dawn M. Wilson .
Pivotal Acquisition Corp (PVT.U) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Pivotal Acquisition Corp (PVT.U) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Pivotal Acquisition Corp (PVT.U) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Pivotal Acquisition Corp (PVT.U)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Pivotal Acquisition Corp Insider Transactions
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What does CommScope Holding Co Inc do?
Who are the key executives at CommScope Holding Co Inc?
Tc Group, Llc is the 10 percent owner of CommScope Holding Co Inc. Other key executives at CommScope Holding Co Inc include EVP & CFO Kyle David Lorentzen , SVP & President & CCS Linde Koen Ter , and SVP & Chief Legal Officer & Sec Justin C Choi .
CommScope Holding Co Inc (COMM) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, Tc Group, Llc made no insider transaction in CommScope Holding Co Inc (COMM). Other recent insider transactions involving CommScope Holding Co Inc (COMM) include a net purchase of 170,000 shares made by Watts Claudius E. Iv , a net purchase of 180,419 shares made by Charles L. Treadway , and a net purchase of 51,600 shares made by Kyle David Lorentzen .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of CommScope Holding Co Inc (COMM) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of CommScope Holding Co Inc (COMM) were sold and 653,559 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 653,559 shares.
CommScope Holding Co Inc (COMM)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
CommScope Holding Co Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Chesapeake Energy Corp do?
Who are the key executives at Chesapeake Energy Corp?
Tc Group, Llc is the 10 percent owner of Chesapeake Energy Corp. Other key executives at Chesapeake Energy Corp include director & CEO Robert D. Lawler , EVP-Exploration & Production Frank J. Patterson , and SVP & Chief Accounting Officer William M Buergler .
Chesapeake Energy Corp (CHKAQ) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Chesapeake Energy Corp (CHKAQ) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Chesapeake Energy Corp (CHKAQ) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Chesapeake Energy Corp (CHKAQ)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Chesapeake Energy Corp Insider Transactions
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What does Yellow Corp do?
Who are the key executives at Yellow Corp?
Tc Group, Llc is the 10 percent owner of Yellow Corp. Other key executives at Yellow Corp include Interim CFO Daniel L. Olivier , 10 percent owner Mfn Partners, Lp , and 10 percent owner Farhad Nanji .
Yellow Corp (YELLQ) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, Tc Group, Llc made no insider transaction in Yellow Corp (YELLQ). Other recent insider transactions involving Yellow Corp (YELLQ) include a net purchase of 16,401,240 shares made by Mfn Partners, Lp , and a net sale of 30,734 shares made by Daniel L. Olivier .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Yellow Corp (YELLQ) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 30,734 shares of Yellow Corp (YELLQ) were sold and 16,401,240 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 16,370,506 shares.
Yellow Corp (YELLQ)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Yellow Corp Insider Transactions
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What does Allison Transmission Holdings Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Allison Transmission Holdings Inc?
Tc Group, Llc is the 10 percent owner of Allison Transmission Holdings Inc. Other key executives at Allison Transmission Holdings Inc include Exec VP & CFO and Treasurer David S. Graziosi , SVP & Global MSS John Coll , and VP & Gen. Counsel and Secretary Eric C. Scroggins .
Allison Transmission Holdings Inc (ALSN) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, Tc Group, Llc made no insider transaction in Allison Transmission Holdings Inc (ALSN). Other recent insider transactions involving Allison Transmission Holdings Inc (ALSN) include a net sale of 17,800 shares made by John Coll , a net sale of 15,208 shares made by Thomas Eifert , and a net sale of 225,326 shares made by David S. Graziosi .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 27,010 shares of Allison Transmission Holdings Inc (ALSN) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 27,010 shares. During the past 18 months, 384,665 shares of Allison Transmission Holdings Inc (ALSN) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 384,665 shares.
Allison Transmission Holdings Inc (ALSN)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Allison Transmission Holdings Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Carlyle Secured Lending Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Carlyle Secured Lending Inc?
Tc Group, Llc is the 10 percent owner of Carlyle Secured Lending Inc. Other key executives at Carlyle Secured Lending Inc include CFO Thomas M Hennigan , VP and Head of Illiquid Credit Alexander Popov , and PAO Nelson Joseph .
Carlyle Secured Lending Inc (CGBD) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, Tc Group, Llc made no insider transaction in Carlyle Secured Lending Inc (CGBD). Other recent insider transactions involving Carlyle Secured Lending Inc (CGBD) include a net purchase of 73,601 shares made by Mark David Jenkins , a net purchase of 5,000 shares made by Alexander Popov , and a net sale of 3,550 shares made by Thomas M Hennigan .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Carlyle Secured Lending Inc (CGBD) in total and bought 68,801 shares, with a net purchase of 68,801 shares. During the past 18 months, 3,550 shares of Carlyle Secured Lending Inc (CGBD) were sold and 78,601 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 75,051 shares.
Carlyle Secured Lending Inc (CGBD)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Carlyle Secured Lending Inc Insider Transactions
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What does BankUnited Inc do?
Who are the key executives at BankUnited Inc?
Tc Group, Llc is the 10 percent owner of BankUnited Inc. Other key executives at BankUnited Inc include Officer of Subsidiary Jay D. Richards , Officer of Subsidiary Thomas M. Cornish , and Chief Financial Officer Douglas J Pauls .
BankUnited Inc (BKU) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, Tc Group, Llc made no insider transaction in BankUnited Inc (BKU). Other recent insider transactions involving BankUnited Inc (BKU) include a net sale of 12,643 shares made by Jay D. Richards , a net sale of 10,778 shares made by Thomas M. Cornish , and a net sale of 7,864 shares made by William S. Rubenstein .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 13,278 shares of BankUnited Inc (BKU) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 13,278 shares. During the past 18 months, 38,570 shares of BankUnited Inc (BKU) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 38,570 shares.
BankUnited Inc (BKU)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
BankUnited Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp do?
Who are the key executives at Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp?
Tc Group, Llc is the 10 percent owner of Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp. Other key executives at Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp include EVP and General Counsel & other: Member of 13D Group Nancy Laben , Executive Vice President Matthew Calderone , and Executive Vice President Richard Crowe .
Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp (BAH) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, Tc Group, Llc made no insider transaction in Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp (BAH). Other recent insider transactions involving Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp (BAH) include a net sale of 18,840 shares made by Kristine Anderson , a net sale of 11,262 shares made by Matthew Calderone , and a net sale of 103,571 shares made by Horacio Rozanski .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 20,292 shares of Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp (BAH) in total and bought 2,690 shares, with a net sale of 17,602 shares. During the past 18 months, 280,949 shares of Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp (BAH) were sold and 2,690 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 278,259 shares.
Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp (BAH)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp Insider Transactions
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What does Permianville Royalty Trust do?
Who are the key executives at Permianville Royalty Trust?
Tc Group, Llc is the 10 percent owner of Permianville Royalty Trust. Other key executives at Permianville Royalty Trust include 10 percent owner Permianville Holdings Llc , 10 percent owner Cross Ocean Usss Fund I (a) Del Feeder Lp , and 10 percent owner Permianville Intermediary Llc - Series 2 .
Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, Tc Group, Llc made no insider transaction in Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL). Other recent insider transactions involving Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) include a net sale of 153,981 shares made by Permianville Holdings Llc ,
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 153,981 shares of Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 153,981 shares.
Permianville Royalty Trust (PVL)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Permianville Royalty Trust Insider Transactions
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What does Dunkin' Brands Group Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Dunkin' Brands Group Inc?
Tc Group, Llc is the 10 percent owner of Dunkin' Brands Group Inc. Other key executives at Dunkin' Brands Group Inc include Chief Comm & Sust Officer Karen Raskopf , SVP & International John Varughese , and Chief Digital & Strategy Offcr Philip Auerbach .
Dunkin' Brands Group Inc (DNKN) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Dunkin' Brands Group Inc (DNKN) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Dunkin' Brands Group Inc (DNKN) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Dunkin' Brands Group Inc (DNKN)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Dunkin' Brands Group Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Kinder Morgan Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Kinder Morgan Inc?
Tc Group, Llc is the 10 percent owner of Kinder Morgan Inc. Other key executives at Kinder Morgan Inc include VP (Pres. & Natural Gas Pipeln) Thomas A Martin , director & President C Park Shaper , and V.P. & Corporate Development Dax Sanders .
Kinder Morgan Inc (KMI) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, Tc Group, Llc made no insider transaction in Kinder Morgan Inc (KMI). Other recent insider transactions involving Kinder Morgan Inc (KMI) include a net sale of 155,121 shares made by Thomas A Martin , a net sale of 153,069 shares made by Dax Sanders , and a net sale of 102,431 shares made by Sital K Mody .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 955,121 shares of Kinder Morgan Inc (KMI) in total and bought 2,241 shares, with a net sale of 952,880 shares. During the past 18 months, 1,587,121 shares of Kinder Morgan Inc (KMI) were sold and 11,973 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 1,575,148 shares.
Kinder Morgan Inc (KMI)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Kinder Morgan Inc Insider Transactions
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What does SS&C Technologies Holdings Inc do?
Who are the key executives at SS&C Technologies Holdings Inc?
Tc Group, Llc is the 10 percent owner of SS&C Technologies Holdings Inc. Other key executives at SS&C Technologies Holdings Inc include director & 10 percent owner & Chairman of the Board & CEO William C Stone , SVP & General Counsel Jason Douglas White , and director & President and COO Normand A Boulanger .
SS&C Technologies Holdings Inc (SSNC) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, Tc Group, Llc made no insider transaction in SS&C Technologies Holdings Inc (SSNC). Other recent insider transactions involving SS&C Technologies Holdings Inc (SSNC) include a net sale of 61,500 shares made by Michael Jay Zamkow , a net sale of 640,000 shares made by Rahul Kanwar , and a net sale of 380,000 shares made by William C Stone .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 449,000 shares of SS&C Technologies Holdings Inc (SSNC) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 449,000 shares. During the past 18 months, 1,455,000 shares of SS&C Technologies Holdings Inc (SSNC) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 1,455,000 shares.
SS&C Technologies Holdings Inc (SSNC)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
SS&C Technologies Holdings Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Herc Holdings Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Herc Holdings Inc?
Tc Group, Llc is the 10 percent owner of Herc Holdings Inc. Other key executives at Herc Holdings Inc include SVP & Chief HR Officer Christian J Cunningham , director & President & CEO Lawrence Harris Silber , and VP & Chief Accounting Officer Mark Humphrey .
Herc Holdings Inc (HRI) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, Tc Group, Llc made no insider transaction in Herc Holdings Inc (HRI). Other recent insider transactions involving Herc Holdings Inc (HRI) include a net sale of 95,958 shares made by Lawrence Harris Silber , a net sale of 21,122 shares made by Christian J Cunningham , and a net sale of 15,844 shares made by Aaron Birnbaum .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 69,239 shares of Herc Holdings Inc (HRI) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 69,239 shares. During the past 18 months, 156,106 shares of Herc Holdings Inc (HRI) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 156,106 shares.
Herc Holdings Inc (HRI)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Herc Holdings Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Expand Energy Corp do?
Who are the key executives at Expand Energy Corp?
Tc Group, Llc is the 10 percent owner of Expand Energy Corp. Other key executives at Expand Energy Corp include Exec. Vice President & CFO Dell'osso Domenic J Jr , EVP & COO Joshua J. Viets , and 10 percent owner Blackstone Holdings Iii L.p. .
Expand Energy Corp (EXE) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, Tc Group, Llc made no insider transaction in Expand Energy Corp (EXE). Other recent insider transactions involving Expand Energy Corp (EXE) include a net sale of 43,623 shares made by Catherine A Kehr ,
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 43,623 shares of Expand Energy Corp (EXE) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 43,623 shares. During the past 18 months, 43,623 shares of Expand Energy Corp (EXE) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 43,623 shares.
Expand Energy Corp (EXE)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Expand Energy Corp Insider Transactions
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What does KLDiscovery Inc do?
Who are the key executives at KLDiscovery Inc?
Tc Group, Llc is the 10 percent owner of KLDiscovery Inc. Other key executives at KLDiscovery Inc include 10 percent owner Cg Subsidiary Holdings L.l.c. , director & Chief Executive Officer Christopher Weiler , and 10 percent owner 1397225 Ontario Ltd .
KLDiscovery Inc (KLDI) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of KLDiscovery Inc (KLDI) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of KLDiscovery Inc (KLDI) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
KLDiscovery Inc (KLDI)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
KLDiscovery Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Soleno Therapeutics Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Soleno Therapeutics Inc?
Tc Group, Llc is the 10 percent owner of Soleno Therapeutics Inc. Other key executives at Soleno Therapeutics Inc include Chief Financial Officer James H Mackaness , See Remarks Patricia C Hirano , and See Remarks Kristen Yen .
Soleno Therapeutics Inc (SLNO) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, Tc Group, Llc made no insider transaction in Soleno Therapeutics Inc (SLNO). Other recent insider transactions involving Soleno Therapeutics Inc (SLNO) include a net sale of 500,464 shares made by Bhatnagar Anish , a net sale of 83,874 shares made by Kristen Yen , and a net sale of 50,520 shares made by Patricia C Hirano .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 36,855 shares of Soleno Therapeutics Inc (SLNO) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 36,855 shares. During the past 18 months, 2,862,679 shares of Soleno Therapeutics Inc (SLNO) were sold and 866,789 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 1,995,890 shares.
Soleno Therapeutics Inc (SLNO)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Soleno Therapeutics Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Jasper Therapeutics Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Jasper Therapeutics Inc?
Tc Group, Llc is the 10 percent owner of Jasper Therapeutics Inc. Other key executives at Jasper Therapeutics Inc include Chief Operating Officer Jeetinder Singh Mahal , 10 percent owner Carlyle Group Inc. , and other: See Footnote 1 Velan Capital Master Fund Lp .
Jasper Therapeutics Inc (JSPR) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, Tc Group, Llc made no insider transaction in Jasper Therapeutics Inc (JSPR). Other recent insider transactions involving Jasper Therapeutics Inc (JSPR) include a net sale of 3,600 shares made by Jeetinder Singh Mahal , a net purchase of 50,000 shares made by Thomas G Wiggans , and a net purchase of 350,000 shares made by Velan Capital Master Fund Lp .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 900 shares of Jasper Therapeutics Inc (JSPR) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 900 shares. During the past 18 months, 4,397 shares of Jasper Therapeutics Inc (JSPR) were sold and 545,000 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 540,604 shares.
Jasper Therapeutics Inc (JSPR)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Jasper Therapeutics Inc Insider Transactions
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What does eFFECTOR Therapeutics Inc do?
Who are the key executives at eFFECTOR Therapeutics Inc?
Tc Group, Llc is the 10 percent owner of eFFECTOR Therapeutics Inc. Other key executives at eFFECTOR Therapeutics Inc include 10 percent owner Sr One Capital Fund I Aggregator Lp , director & 10 percent owner & Chief Executive Officer Christopher B Ehrlich , and Chief Business Officer Mayank Gandhi .
eFFECTOR Therapeutics Inc (EFTR) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, Tc Group, Llc made no insider transaction in eFFECTOR Therapeutics Inc (EFTR). Other recent insider transactions involving eFFECTOR Therapeutics Inc (EFTR) include a net sale of 609,163 shares made by Sr One Capital Fund I Aggregator Lp ,
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of eFFECTOR Therapeutics Inc (EFTR) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 24,367 shares of eFFECTOR Therapeutics Inc (EFTR) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 24,367 shares.
eFFECTOR Therapeutics Inc (EFTR)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
eFFECTOR Therapeutics Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Vera Therapeutics Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Vera Therapeutics Inc?
Tc Group, Llc is the 10 percent owner of Vera Therapeutics Inc. Other key executives at Vera Therapeutics Inc include director & President and CEO Marshall Fordyce , SVP & Finance & Chief Acct Offcr Joseph R Young , and Chief Financial Officer Sean Grant .
Vera Therapeutics Inc (VERA) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, Tc Group, Llc made no insider transaction in Vera Therapeutics Inc (VERA). Other recent insider transactions involving Vera Therapeutics Inc (VERA) include a net sale of 241,876 shares made by Marshall Fordyce , a net sale of 673,169 shares made by Maha Katabi , and a net sale of 31,476 shares made by Beth C Seidenberg .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 136,875 shares of Vera Therapeutics Inc (VERA) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 136,875 shares. During the past 18 months, 2,284,982 shares of Vera Therapeutics Inc (VERA) were sold and 161,290 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 2,123,692 shares.
Vera Therapeutics Inc (VERA)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Vera Therapeutics Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Carlyle Credit Income Fund do?
Who are the key executives at Carlyle Credit Income Fund?
Tc Group, Llc is the 10 percent owner of Carlyle Credit Income Fund. Other key executives at Carlyle Credit Income Fund include CCO & CLO & Secretary Joshua Lefkowitz , PFO & PAO & Treasurer Nelson Joseph , and director & Principal Executive Officer Lauren Michelle Basmadjian .
Carlyle Credit Income Fund (CCIF) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, Tc Group, Llc made no insider transaction in Carlyle Credit Income Fund (CCIF). Other recent insider transactions involving Carlyle Credit Income Fund (CCIF) include a net purchase of 30,358 shares made by Joan Y Mccabe , a net purchase of 4,785,628 shares made by Cg Subsidiary Holdings L.l.c. , and a net purchase of 10,388 shares made by Sanjeev Handa .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Carlyle Credit Income Fund (CCIF) in total and bought 22,467 shares, with a net purchase of 22,467 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Carlyle Credit Income Fund (CCIF) were sold and 4,856,842 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 4,856,842 shares.
Carlyle Credit Income Fund (CCIF)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Carlyle Credit Income Fund Insider Transactions
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Tc Group, Llc Mailing Address
Above is the net worth, insider trading, and ownership report for Tc Group, Llc. You might contact Tc Group, Llc via mailing address: C/o Carlyle Group, 1001 Pennsylvania Avenue Nw Suite 220 S, Washington Dc 20004.
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