Magnetar Capital Partners Lp - Net Worth and Insider Trading
Magnetar Capital Partners Lp Insider Ownership Reports
Based on ownership reports from SEC filings, as the reporting owner, Magnetar Capital Partners Lp owns 14 companies in total, including Rithm Property Trust Inc (RPT) , HRSoft Inc (WSTM) , and Acer Therapeutics Inc (ACER) among others .
Click here to see the complete history of Magnetar Capital Partners Lp’s form 4 insider trades.
Insider Ownership Summary of Magnetar Capital Partners Lp
Ticker | Comapny | Transaction Date | Type of Owner |
RPT | Rithm Property Trust Inc | 2020-08-05 | 10 percent owner |
WSTM | HRSoft Inc | 2010-08-13 | 10 percent owner |
ACER | Acer Therapeutics Inc | 2006-06-20 | 10 percent owner |
2021-08-13 | 10 percent owner | ||
2021-11-24 | 10 percent owner | ||
2021-08-13 | 10 percent owner | ||
2021-11-24 | 10 percent owner | ||
2022-12-12 | 10 percent owner | ||
2022-12-12 | 10 percent owner | ||
2023-03-14 | 10 percent owner | ||
2023-10-17 | 10 percent owner | ||
2023-05-16 | 10 percent owner | ||
2023-05-16 | 10 percent owner | ||
2022-12-12 | 10 percent owner |
Magnetar Capital Partners Lp Trading Performance
Magnetar Capital Partners Lp Ownership Network
Ownership Network List of Magnetar Capital Partners Lp
Ownership Network Relation of Magnetar Capital Partners Lp
Magnetar Capital Partners Lp Owned Company Details
What does Rithm Property Trust Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Rithm Property Trust Inc?
Magnetar Capital Partners Lp is the 10 percent owner of Rithm Property Trust Inc. Other key executives at Rithm Property Trust Inc include Chief Financial Officer Mary B Doyle , director & CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Lawrence Mendelsohn , and director & PRESIDENT Russell Schaub .
Rithm Property Trust Inc (RPT) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Rithm Property Trust Inc (RPT) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Rithm Property Trust Inc (RPT) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Rithm Property Trust Inc (RPT)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Rithm Property Trust Inc Insider Transactions
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What does HRSoft Inc do?
Who are the key executives at HRSoft Inc?
Magnetar Capital Partners Lp is the 10 percent owner of HRSoft Inc. Other key executives at HRSoft Inc include director & CEO John J Long , 10 percent owner Coghill Capital Management Llc , and 10 percent owner Clint D Coghill .
HRSoft Inc (WSTM) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of HRSoft Inc (WSTM) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of HRSoft Inc (WSTM) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
HRSoft Inc (WSTM)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
HRSoft Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Acer Therapeutics Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Acer Therapeutics Inc?
Magnetar Capital Partners Lp is the 10 percent owner of Acer Therapeutics Inc. Other key executives at Acer Therapeutics Inc include director & President and Chief Executive Chris Schelling , Chief Operating Officer Tanya Hayden , and Chief Medical Officer Adrian W Quartel .
Acer Therapeutics Inc (ACER) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Acer Therapeutics Inc (ACER) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Acer Therapeutics Inc (ACER) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Acer Therapeutics Inc (ACER)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Acer Therapeutics Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust Inc?
Magnetar Capital Partners Lp is the 10 percent owner of Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust Inc. Other key executives at Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust Inc include 10 percent owner David J. Snyderman , 10 percent owner Steamboat Capital Partners, Llc , and 10 percent owner Parsa Kiai .
Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust Inc (WHLRD.PFD) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust Inc (WHLRD.PFD) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust Inc (WHLRD.PFD) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust Inc (WHLRD.PFD)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust Inc Insider Transactions
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What does CHP Merger Corp do?
Who are the key executives at CHP Merger Corp?
Magnetar Capital Partners Lp is the 10 percent owner of CHP Merger Corp. Other key executives at CHP Merger Corp include 10 percent owner Magnetar Financial Llc , 10 percent owner Supernova Management Llc , and 10 percent owner Alec N Litowitz .
CHP Merger Corp (CHPM) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of CHP Merger Corp (CHPM) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of CHP Merger Corp (CHPM) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
CHP Merger Corp (CHPM)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
CHP Merger Corp Insider Transactions
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What does Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust Inc?
Magnetar Capital Partners Lp is the 10 percent owner of Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust Inc. Other key executives at Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust Inc include director & 10 percent owner Joseph Stilwell , 10 percent owner Steamboat Capital Partners, Llc , and 10 percent owner Corbin Capital Partners, L.p. .
Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust Inc (WHLR) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, Magnetar Capital Partners Lp made no insider transaction in Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust Inc (WHLR). Other recent insider transactions involving Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust Inc (WHLR) include a net sale of 278,411 shares made by Steamboat Capital Partners, Llc , a net purchase of 519,238 shares made by Joseph Stilwell , and a net sale of 254,961 shares made by Corbin Capital Partners, L.p. .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust Inc (WHLR) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 741 shares of Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust Inc (WHLR) were sold and 721 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 20 shares.
Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust Inc (WHLR)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust Inc Insider Transactions
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What does CHP Merger Corp do?
Who are the key executives at CHP Merger Corp?
Magnetar Capital Partners Lp is the 10 percent owner of CHP Merger Corp. Other key executives at CHP Merger Corp include 10 percent owner Magnetar Financial Llc , 10 percent owner Supernova Management Llc , and 10 percent owner Alec N Litowitz .
CHP Merger Corp (CHPMU) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of CHP Merger Corp (CHPMU) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of CHP Merger Corp (CHPMU) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
CHP Merger Corp (CHPMU)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
CHP Merger Corp Insider Transactions
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What does MedTech Acquisition Corp do?
Who are the key executives at MedTech Acquisition Corp?
Magnetar Capital Partners Lp is the 10 percent owner of MedTech Acquisition Corp. Other key executives at MedTech Acquisition Corp include President & Therapeutics Jodi Devlin , 10 percent owner Equity Ab Frankenius , and director & 10 percent owner Mats Wahlstrom .
MedTech Acquisition Corp (MTAC) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of MedTech Acquisition Corp (MTAC) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of MedTech Acquisition Corp (MTAC) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
MedTech Acquisition Corp (MTAC)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
MedTech Acquisition Corp Insider Transactions
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What does MedTech Acquisition Corp do?
Who are the key executives at MedTech Acquisition Corp?
Magnetar Capital Partners Lp is the 10 percent owner of MedTech Acquisition Corp. Other key executives at MedTech Acquisition Corp include 10 percent owner Magnetar Financial Llc , 10 percent owner Supernova Management Llc , and 10 percent owner David J. Snyderman .
MedTech Acquisition Corp (MTACU) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of MedTech Acquisition Corp (MTACU) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of MedTech Acquisition Corp (MTACU) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
MedTech Acquisition Corp (MTACU)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
MedTech Acquisition Corp Insider Transactions
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What does Churchill Capital Corp V do?
Who are the key executives at Churchill Capital Corp V?
Magnetar Capital Partners Lp is the 10 percent owner of Churchill Capital Corp V. Other key executives at Churchill Capital Corp V include 10 percent owner Magnetar Financial Llc , 10 percent owner Supernova Management Llc , and 10 percent owner David J. Snyderman .
Churchill Capital Corp V (CCV) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Churchill Capital Corp V (CCV) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Churchill Capital Corp V (CCV) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Churchill Capital Corp V (CCV)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Churchill Capital Corp V Insider Transactions
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What does Churchill Capital Corp V do?
Who are the key executives at Churchill Capital Corp V?
Magnetar Capital Partners Lp is the 10 percent owner of Churchill Capital Corp V. Other key executives at Churchill Capital Corp V include 10 percent owner Magnetar Financial Llc , 10 percent owner Supernova Management Llc , and 10 percent owner David J. Snyderman .
Churchill Capital Corp V (CCV.U) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Churchill Capital Corp V (CCV.U) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Churchill Capital Corp V (CCV.U) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Churchill Capital Corp V (CCV.U)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Churchill Capital Corp V Insider Transactions
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What does Churchill Capital Corp VII do?
Who are the key executives at Churchill Capital Corp VII?
Magnetar Capital Partners Lp is the 10 percent owner of Churchill Capital Corp VII. Other key executives at Churchill Capital Corp VII include 10 percent owner Magnetar Financial Llc , 10 percent owner Supernova Management Llc , and 10 percent owner David J. Snyderman .
Churchill Capital Corp VII (CVII) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, Magnetar Capital Partners Lp made no insider transaction in Churchill Capital Corp VII (CVII). Other recent insider transactions involving Churchill Capital Corp VII (CVII) include a net sale of 201 shares made by Magnetar Financial Llc ,
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Churchill Capital Corp VII (CVII) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 201 shares of Churchill Capital Corp VII (CVII) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 201 shares.
Churchill Capital Corp VII (CVII)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Churchill Capital Corp VII Insider Transactions
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What does Churchill Capital Corp VII do?
Who are the key executives at Churchill Capital Corp VII?
Magnetar Capital Partners Lp is the 10 percent owner of Churchill Capital Corp VII. Other key executives at Churchill Capital Corp VII include 10 percent owner Magnetar Financial Llc , 10 percent owner Supernova Management Llc , and 10 percent owner David J. Snyderman .
Churchill Capital Corp VII (CVIIU) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Churchill Capital Corp VII (CVIIU) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Churchill Capital Corp VII (CVIIU) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Churchill Capital Corp VII (CVIIU)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Churchill Capital Corp VII Insider Transactions
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What does TriSalus Life Sciences Inc do?
Who are the key executives at TriSalus Life Sciences Inc?
Magnetar Capital Partners Lp is the 10 percent owner of TriSalus Life Sciences Inc. Other key executives at TriSalus Life Sciences Inc include 10 percent owner Equity Ab Frankenius , director & 10 percent owner Mats Wahlstrom , and Chief Scientific & Manufact. Bryan F. Cox .
TriSalus Life Sciences Inc (TLSI) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, Magnetar Capital Partners Lp made no insider transaction in TriSalus Life Sciences Inc (TLSI). Other recent insider transactions involving TriSalus Life Sciences Inc (TLSI) include a net purchase of 19,815 shares made by Mary T Szela , a net purchase of 15,727 shares made by Mats Wahlstrom , and a net purchase of 62,972 shares made by Equity Ab Frankenius .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 30,000 shares of TriSalus Life Sciences Inc (TLSI) in total and bought 78,699 shares, with a net purchase of 48,699 shares. During the past 18 months, 30,323 shares of TriSalus Life Sciences Inc (TLSI) were sold and 98,514 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 68,191 shares.
TriSalus Life Sciences Inc (TLSI)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
TriSalus Life Sciences Inc Insider Transactions
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Magnetar Capital Partners Lp Mailing Address
Above is the net worth, insider trading, and ownership report for Magnetar Capital Partners Lp. You might contact Magnetar Capital Partners Lp via mailing address: 1603 Orrington Ave., 13th Floor, Evanston Il 60201.
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