Sep 14, 2023 / 07:30PM GMT
Antoine Chkaiban - New Street Research LLP - Research Analyst
Thanks, everybody, for sticking around that later in the day for this conference.
I hope you've enjoyed all this session, and that's my pleasure to welcome Jayshree Ullal, the CEO of Arista Networks. And I think I've decided I'm not going to present Jayshree because everybody knows her. She has been the CEO of Arista Networks for 10 years and you all know as a role, Arista has played in technology infrastructure, in data center networking and much more than that over this tenure. So Jayshree, thank you so much for making the time to close with us this conference.
Questions and Answers:
Antoine Chkaiban - New Street Research LLP - Research AnalystWe spent like the whole day talking about generative AI, infrastructure requires or generative AI, and I just wanted to pick one claim that was made before you joined, which is -- and I won't give you -- I won't tell you who that was, but someone said, well, with a 25 terabyte -- terabit switch, you basically can manage 500 servers. And with