May 22, 2023 / 03:20PM GMT
Christopher Michael Horvers - JPMorgan Chase & Co, Research Division - Senior Analyst
Good morning, and thank you, everyone, for coming. I'm Chris Horvers, JP Morgan's Retail and Toys analyst. Thank you for joining us today. I'm very pleased to welcome Chris Cox, Hasbro's Chief Executive Officer, and [Debbie Hancock] (corrected by company after the call) who is -- sorry, Deb is from Investor Relations is also in the audience with us.
So we'll do some prepared Q&A and then we'll leave some time at the end for audience questions, and then we also have potentially people online with us. And so please feel free to raise your hand at the end and ask a question. We'd like to make this as interactive as possible.
Questions and Answers:
Christopher Michael Horvers - JPMorgan Chase & Co, Research Division - Senior AnalystSo maybe setting the table starting at a very high level. You've been in the role for a little over a year. Can you share with us what have been the biggest deliverables during that time? And what your high-level priorities