May 21, 2019 / 01:30PM GMT
Navin Cyriac Jacob - UBS Investment Bank, Research Division - Equity Research Analyst of Specialty Pharmaceuticals and Large Cap Pharmaceutic
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to UBS Global Healthcare conference Day 2. My name is Navin Jacob. I'm the senior analyst for global pharma and for smid-cap biotech. I'm happy to have here with me, Christi Shaw, SVP and President of Lilly Biosciences. Thank you for joining us, Christi.
Christi Shaw - Eli Lilly and Company - Senior VP & President of Lilly Bio-Medicines
Absolutely. Hello everyone.
Questions and Answers:
Navin Cyriac Jacob - UBS Investment Bank, Research Division - Equity Research Analyst of Specialty Pharmaceuticals and Large Cap PharmaceuticSo Christi, you're responsible for a portfolio that includes pain and inflammation. Those spaces, particularly inflammation, like diabetes, is a space that is highly rebated. The administration has a proposal to change the rebate rule and -- or has a rebate rule proposed. Wondering how you think about the potential