Dec 11, 2019 / 10:30PM GMT
Unidentified Analyst
Really happy to have the team from Paycom here, Chad and Craig.
Questions and Answers:
Unidentified AnalystSo the -- we've been around since the IPO, but I think it's kind of really good to set the scene for everyone in the audience a little bit about like -- you're only like a young company, but not that young.
What was the idea for Paycom? Like when you started it back when the Internet only started to kind of -- and talk about the evolution of like how you see yourself in the market and what you do, what you offer to the client, like what you did back then and to where we are today?
Chad Richison - Paycom Software, Inc. - Founder, President, CEO & Chairman
Sure. And so started in 1998, so 21 years ago. At that time, we were primarily payroll. And so we did it online, and our value proposition at that time was really easy access to information, right? You think about payroll at the time, it was oftentimes difficult to access information and reporting. And so we rolled out a payroll system