Mar 02, 2020 / 07:10PM GMT
Kathleen Marie Miner - Cowen and Company, LLC, Research Division - VP
Sorry, we've got a lot of interesting things I think we'd like to cover today. So we're pleased to have with us today, Kristin Peck, who is the CEO of Zoetis, which is the global leader in animal health care. And given the tone of the conference this morning and a lot of the issues, I think one of the first things we're going to start with is COVID-19. And certainly, this is a slightly different perspective than what we've talked about from the human side.
Questions and Answers:
Kathleen Marie Miner - Cowen and Company, LLC, Research Division - VPSo Kristin, first, can you just confirm if you know that this is not an issue within companion animals or livestock, this virus?
Kristin C. Peck - Zoetis Inc. - CEO & Director
Sure. So based on the guidance to date from the World Health Organization and the CDC, it does not appear -- this is definitely a zoonotic disease. So it most likely started in bats and/or whatever, snakes to humans. It's