May 11, 2023 / 02:45PM GMT
Peter Sidoti - Sidoti & Company, LLC. - Analyst
Good morning. I'm Peter Sidoti, CEO of Sidoti & Company. With me today is Greg Woods from AstroNova. Ticker symbol is ALOT. We'll try something different for me, I don't think it's different for us as a group. But we're going to do this as a fireside chat, which I have not done before but having dealt with both Greg and AstroNova over the years, I'm pretty comfortable with knowing the story and knowing where we are.
(Conference Instructions) We'll start now, and we hope to finish presentation that quarter after. So with that, I will turn to Greg who's the CEO of AstroNova. Maybe I'll just start with some general questions and work our way down.
Questions and Answers:
Peter Sidoti - Sidoti & Company, LLC. - AnalystGreg, why don't you first just start talking about and briefly discuss the business, the different lines that you are in at this point in time in terms of where we are because I know you have two lines. Just present revenue mix as well as maybe margins in the business.