Jun 12, 2023 / 05:00PM GMT
Paul Choi - Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., Research Division - Equity Analyst
Okay. Good morning. We'll continue with our next session. I'm Paul Choi, and I cover the small and mid-cap biotechnology sector here at the firm. And we'll continue with our next session, which is with Xenon. We're very pleased to have CEO, Ian Mortimer to my immediate left; and CFO, Sherry Aulin, to my far left.
What we'll do is some Q&A with the team. If along the way, anyone has questions in the audience or online, please raise your hand or shoot me an e-mail, and we'll read the questions anonymously over the path -- over the time. But maybe what we'll do, let's start with Ian, with -- maybe with some sort of high-level questions, which is for investors who may not be familiar or new to the Xenon story.
Questions and Answers:
Paul Choi - Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., Research Division - Equity AnalystCan you maybe give us a quick overview of the company and then maybe a little bit on the sort of basic science that underpins your pipeline and developmental efforts with