Aug 09, 2023 / 03:30PM GMT
Unidentified Participant
(audio in progress) feel free to ask questions at any time. Before that, I'm going to get you guys to perhaps introduce yourselves and maybe set the stage, D2L. Set the stage for our discussion. So whoever wants to take that.
Stephen Laster - D2L Inc. - President
Sure. Stephen Laster, President of D2L, been with the company for about two years, I've been in EdTech for about 20 something years. And I've been -- before joining D2L, I've been a customer, I've been a partner. And just thrilled to be part of the team and be here. Josh?
Josh Huff - D2L Inc. - CFO
Awesome. Yeah. Josh Huff, I have been with D2L for nine years now. I'm our CFO most recently in February. And prior to that, was our VP of Finance and supporting the executive leadership team and looking forward to the discussion today.
Questions and Answers:
Unidentified ParticipantSo understanding you've got a couple of different markets that you're targeting each with their own dynamics. So I'd like to