David Herro's Oakmark Global Select Fund 2nd-Quarter Commentary: A Look Back

Discussion of markets and holdings

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Jul 11, 2024
  • This quarter, a U.S.-based communication services company was a top contributor, while a U.S. agriculture and construction equipment manufacturer was a detractor.
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  • The Fund returned -1.68% versus 2.63% for the MSCI World Index (Net) for the quarter, and 7.39% since inception versus 7.47% for the MSCI World Index (Net) over the same period.
  • At the sector level, the largest contributors were communication services and consumer discretionary, while the largest detractors were health care and industrials.
  • Geographically, 59.0% of the portfolio was in the U.S., 23.2% in Europe ex U.K. and 10.8% in the U.K. For the quarter, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the U.K. were contributors to the relative performance of countries owned. The U.S., Germany and South Korea detracted from relative performance. Emerging markets accounted for 7.1% of the portfolio.


Top contributor

Alphabet (GOOG, Financial) was the top contributor during the quarter. The stock price rose after the U.S.-based communication services company reported first-quarter operating income growth of 31% versus the prior year. We believe management's cost reduction initiatives will improve operating efficiency and lead to faster earnings growth. In addition, we expect the company's new AI-powered features showcased at the recent Google I/O conference will increase the value of its products to users. At the current share price, we continue to see upside to our estimate of Alphabet's intrinsic value.

Top detractor

CNH Industrial (CNH, Financial) was the top detractor during the quarter. The U.S.-headquartered manufacturer of agriculture and construction equipment announced that CEO Scott Wine will be replaced by Gerrit Marx, CEO of Iveco Group, effective July 1, 2024. Scott made significant contributions to CNH Industrial in the areas of product, technology, and cost efficiency and we were disappointed to see him leave the business. We met with both Executive Chair Suzanne Heywood and Scott in April, which provided insight into the management change. CNH Industrial also slightly reduced guidance for 2024 when reporting first quarter results due to a weaker agriculture equipment market. This reduction was consistent with our forecasts and does not impact our view of the long-term profitability potential of the business. We believe that CNH Industrial's position within the structurally attractive agriculture equipment market will improve in the coming years. As a result, we continue to believe the stock is compelling.


There were no new purchases during the quarter, and we eliminated our position in NAVER (XKRX:035420, Financial) during the quarter.


(Year joined Harris | Oakmark)

David G. Herro, CFA (1992)

Tony Coniaris, CFA (1999)

Eric Liu, CFA (2009)

M. Colin Hudson, CFA (2005)

John A. Sitarz, CFA, CPA (2013)

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