Construction Partners Inc (ROAD) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Highlights: Strong Revenue Growth and Improved Margins

Construction Partners Inc (ROAD) reports a 22.7% increase in revenue and a 30.5% rise in adjusted EBITDA for Q3 2024.

  • Revenue: $517.8 million, up 22.7% year-over-year.
  • Organic Revenue Growth: 13% for the quarter.
  • Revenue from Acquisitions: $40.9 million.
  • Gross Profit: $83.5 million, up 30% year-over-year.
  • General and Administrative Expenses: $38.9 million, or 7.5% of total revenue.
  • Net Income: $30.9 million, up 42.4% year-over-year.
  • Adjusted EBITDA: $73.2 million, up 30.5% year-over-year.
  • Adjusted EBITDA Margin: 14.1%, up from 13.3% last year.
  • Project Backlog: $1.86 billion as of June 30.
  • Cash and Cash Equivalents: $58.4 million.
  • Debt to EBITDA Ratio: 1.81 times.
  • Cash Provided by Operating Activities: $35 million for the quarter.
  • Net Capital Expenditures Year-to-Date: $62.4 million.
  • FY24 Revenue Outlook: $1.835 billion to $1.860 billion.
  • FY24 Net Income Outlook: $73.5 million to $76 million.
  • FY24 Adjusted EBITDA Outlook: $219 million to $228 million.
  • FY24 Adjusted EBITDA Margin Outlook: 11.9% to 12.3%.
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Release Date: August 09, 2024

For the complete transcript of the earnings call, please refer to the full earnings call transcript.

Positive Points

  • Revenue grew by 23% year-over-year, with 13% of this growth being organic.
  • Adjusted EBITDA increased by 31%, with margins improving to 14.1% for the quarter.
  • Project backlog increased to $1.86 billion, providing strong visibility for future revenue.
  • Acquired seven companies this fiscal year, expanding market reach and capacity.
  • Strong demand for both public and private construction projects, supported by healthy funding programs.

Negative Points

  • Weather conditions, including a recent hurricane, have impacted operations and could affect future performance.
  • Increased competition in the public sector due to more contractors shifting from private to public projects.
  • General and administrative expenses increased to $38.9 million, representing 7.5% of total revenue.
  • Debt levels have increased, with $397.5 million of principal outstanding under the term loan and $81.9 million under the revolving credit facility.
  • The company remains cautious about future acquisitions, emphasizing the need for strategic and culturally fitting additions.

Q & A Highlights

Q: Can you provide more clarity on the public versus private end market included in the backlog?
A: The private market continues to be steady with many opportunities to bid. In the public markets, each of our states is now getting the IIJA money, creating a strong market to bid in. Our backlog has seen a slight increase in the percentage of public projects, moving from 65% to around 67-68%. This visibility allows us to be patient at the bid table, which is crucial for achieving our margin goals. β€” Fred Smith, CEO

Q: Have you seen any changes in the residential end market as the year has progressed?
A: The residential market has been steady without significant changes. We continue to see demand from developers building subdivisions, particularly in areas like the panhandle of Florida and Raleigh. β€” Fred Smith, CEO

Q: How much of the growth from acquisitions completed in 2024 will roll into 2025?
A: We estimate that the acquisitions completed in 2024 will contribute an additional $90 to $110 million in revenue for 2025. β€” Gregory Hoffman, CFO

Q: What is your philosophy on including unannounced M&A in your fiscal 2025 guidance?
A: Typically, we do not include unannounced or aspirational acquisitions in our guidance. We plan to return to this methodology for fiscal 2025, including only the M&A that has been announced. β€” Fred Smith, CEO

Q: What factors contributed to the margin improvement to over 14% this quarter?
A: The margin improvement is due to three main factors: better bidding in strong markets, increased vertical integration, and scale. Additionally, our teams in the field have been highly productive, contributing to higher end margins than initially bid. β€” Fred Smith, CEO

Q: How has the weather impacted your fourth-quarter performance so far?
A: July has been wetter than normal, and we experienced a hurricane in early August. However, we anticipate that the weather will balance out over the quarter, similar to the previous two quarters. β€” Fred Smith, CEO and Gregory Hoffman, CFO

Q: How much of the sequential backlog growth was organic versus acquired?
A: Approximately $40 million of the backlog growth this quarter came from acquisitions, with the rest being organic. This mix is similar to our revenue growth. β€” Gregory Hoffman, CFO

Q: Are there any plans for growth CapEx projects, such as new asphalt terminals?
A: We are always considering vertical integration opportunities. Greg has implemented a disciplined growth CapEx process to ensure investments are made where they will have the most impact, contributing to our organic growth. β€” Fred Smith, CEO

Q: Why are your organic growth numbers significantly higher than those of your suppliers?
A: We continue to grow market share and work in adjacent markets with strong demand. Our acquisitions also create opportunities for future organic growth. β€” Fred Smith, CEO

Q: Are you seeing any shifts in the competitive landscape due to contractors moving towards public work?
A: We have not seen a significant slowdown in commercial opportunities. Our crews can switch between public and private jobs, so we are not overly concerned about shifts in the competitive landscape. β€” Fred Smith, CEO

For the complete transcript of the earnings call, please refer to the full earnings call transcript.