From Kansas to Brazil: Salvation Army Responds to Disasters With FedEx Canteens

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Sep 05, 2024

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 5, 2024 / FedEx Corporation


2024 2nd Quarter

With support from FedEx through their Charitable Giving Program, The Salvation Army's co-branded FedEx canteens deployed to 41 events in the 2nd Quarter of 2024. Additionally, FedEx canteens in multiple locations are used to support nine recurring feeding programs in their communities. These events range from weekly community outreach for those experiencing homelessness to daily feeding programs and supporting summer camps.

The Salvation Army appreciates the support of FedEx and their donation of mobile feeding units to support our communities.

FedEx Canteens In Process

The Salvation Army Western Territory: Southwest Division

The Salvation Army Southwest Division's FedEx canteen will be housed in Phoenix, Arizona. The unit was completed at the beginning of July 2024. The Western Territory Southwest Division has scheduled the ribbon- cutting event for Thursday, August 8th in Phoenix, Arizona.

The Salvation Army Eastern Territory: Eastern Pennsylvania Division

The Salvation Army Eastern Pennsylvania Division FedEx canteen is in progress and on track to be completed just after Labor Day. The timeline has been pushed back by only a couple of weeks, but the vendor is making progress. In addition, they sent a photo of the unit having wiring and walls installed. From this point out, the canteen is roughly 12 weeks away from completion.

The Salvation Army Southern Territory: Georgia Division

The Salvation Army Georgia Division's FedEx canteen will be housed in St. Mary's, Georgia. The unit was completed at the end of May 2024. The Southern Territory Georgia Division has scheduled the ribbon-cutting event for Wednesday, August 14th.

Disaster Response

Tornado Response in Kansas

On Tuesday, April 30th, 2024, an EF-3 tornado hit Westmoreland, Kansas. The tornado destroyed 22 homes and damaged 13 others. The Salvation Army in Salina, Kansas responded on May 1st, 2024, and the Salvation Army in Kansas City, Missouri responded on May 2nd and 3rd. In these locations, The Salvation Army disaster workers served food and drinks from the FedEx canteen to survivors, first responders, volunteers, and county workers. In total, 734 meals, 380 snacks, and 833 drinks were served.

Response to Flooding in Brazil

We would like to thank FedEx for their $25,000 donation to the Salvation Army World Service Office to support relief efforts.

The most southerly region of Brazil has declared a state of public calamity due to the torrential rains and flooding in the area which have affected more than 873,000 people.

Over 80 fatalities have been reported in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, with the number expected to rise. Almost 150,000 people have been displaced from their homes.

The Guaíba river burst its banks in Porto Alegre, the state capital, flooding parts of the city and surrounding towns. The district in which the Salvation Army's corps and thrift store are located is completely flooded. The corps' outpost, in Eldorado do Sul, is practically underwater. As soon as
the roads are clear, the Salvation Army's canteen and donation truck will be heading to Porto Alegre from territorial headquarters in São Paulo, with water, non-perishable foods, and cleaning and personal hygiene items, which have been donated by the general public.

Teams from DHQ and Salvationists in the area have visited local surroundings to assess the devastation and need. Clothes, water, hygiene kits, cleaning supplies and food are being distributed to families experiencing difficulties.

With further rain predicted, Salvation Army emergency volunteers will continue with their rapid response in flood-damaged areas, carrying out further needs assessments on the ground as they work, seeking to provide emotional and spiritual support to those affected.

Read the full story here.

Response to Extreme Heat in Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas Citizens remain dedicated to service in sweltering heat

By Abby Dodge, June 24, 2024

"KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Monday marked the hottest day on record in Kansas City this year. Despite the heat, multiple organizations throughout the metro remained committed to helping the community.

"We feel it's very important in the community," said Lauren Carr, co-pastor at Good Shepherd Community of Christ. "There are not too many organizations right in this part of eastern Jackson County."

Good Shepherd Community of Christ, which is located near 43rd and Blue Ridge Boulevard, opened its doors Monday for people wanting to escape the heat. On dangerously hot days, the community room is turned into a cooling center for anyone who needs it.

While this only happens a few times a year, people who use the center always say they are grateful for the relief.

Also on Monday, the Salvation Army's Honk 'n' Holler team, which primarily does outreach with the houseless community, loaded up a truck with water for those in need.

The emergency disaster services team and volunteers drove around the city handing out water."

Read the full article here.

Kansas City, Missouri Fan Distribution Event

In response to extreme heat in Kansas City, Missouri, The Salvation Army partnered with Evergy to distribute fans to those in need. These fan distributions were done in partnership with different local agencies and the local police department. In total, 1,529 meals and 1,670 snacks were served in addition to the fans.

Click here to view the KCTV news coverage.

Click here to view the KSHB news coverage.

Residential and Structure Fires

In the 2nd Quarter of 2024, The Salvation Army responded to ten fires with the FedEx canteens. The Salvation Army responded to four 2-alarm fires, two 3-11 fires, one 4- 11 fire, and three additional fires. The term "2-11 fire" is a two-alarm fire that requires the assistance of additional trucks and firefighters, and usually assistance of one additional fire station. A "3-11" or three-alarm fire requires the assistance of more than one fire station with additional firefighters and trucks.

In Chicago, Illinois, The Salvation Army Emergency Disaster workers served snacks and drinks from the FedEx canteen to firefighters, Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs), and police at four 2-11 fires. In total 185 snacks and 79 drinks were served.

In Chicago, Illinois and Mont Prospect, Illinois The Salvation Army Responded to two 3-11 fires. The first 3-11 fire response was to a large apartment fire that left 100 residents displaced on June 17th, 2024. From the FedEx canteen, disaster workers served 100 snacks and 175 drinks to firefighters, police, and displaced residents. The second 3-11 fire was a large warehouse fire on June 19th, 2024, and disaster workers served 65 snacks and 78 drinks to firefighters, EMTs, and police.

The Salvation Army responded to a 4-11 fire in Chicago, Illinois on June 18th, 2024, at a pallet warehouse. This fire was elevated to one of the highest levels of alarm for a Chicago, Illinois fire. Luckily, it burned very fast and during that time, The Salvation Army served 155 snacks and 300 drinks to firefighters, EMTs, and police.

In response to three additional fires in Waukegan, Illinois and Elk Grove Village, Illinois, The Salvation Army served in total 196 snacks and 211 drinks to firefighters, EMTs, and police. Finally, in response to a fire in Rockford, Illinois, The Salvation Army served snacks and water from the FedEx canteen to responders. Additionally, meals were provided to displaced residents for two days. In total 310 meals, 281 snacks, and 504 drinks were served.

Community Outreach

San Francisco Unhoused Feeding and Outreach

The Salvation Army San Francisco Culinary Training Academy's students prepare gourmet meals as part of their training every week. Every Friday, they take the FedEx canteen to the unhoused community of San Francisco, bringing a fantastic meal in addition to information on The Salvation Army's addiction treatment and recovery programs. In total, 3,250 meals and drinks were distributed along with referral cards to treatment offered through the Harbor Light Center.

3,250 Meals served

Greater New York Food Pantry

The Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services team in Bronx, New York partners with City Harvest. City Harvest is an organization that rescues food that would otherwise be thrown out and delivers it to individuals experiencing hunger in New York. Every Tuesday and Friday volunteers distribute fresh food and vegetables from the FedEx canteen to community members in need and to new immigrants. This quarter, 100 meals, snacks, and drinks were served.

In 2023, The Salvation Army New York Temple Corps was highlighted as a 2023 Advocacy Award Honoree at their inaugural City Harvest Advocacy Summit.

100 Meals Served

Baltimore, Maryland Weekly Feeding Program

In Baltimore, Maryland, the FedEx canteens rotated between a few Corps conducting a weekly feeding program and supported the daily Baltimore Feedmore program. The Baltimore Feedmore Program primarily serves unhoused individuals as well as other marginalized populations in need. It runs six days per week, Monday through Saturday. Through the Feedmore program, 7,926 meals, 8,526 snacks, and 8,526 drinks were served along with the distribution of other needed items such as sock and hygiene kits.

Danville, Virginia PATHS Community Event

In Danville, Virginia, volunteers participated in the Piedmont Access to Health Services (PATHS) event. At this event, 200 meals were served to community members attending the event.

Georgia Community Feeding Program

During the 2nd Quarter of 2024 in Georgia, volunteers and Salvation Army officers took the FedEx canteen out to multiple locations in Lilburn, Norcross, and Lawrenceville to serve meals to the unhoused. Meals were served at long- term stay hotels and apartment buildings. These meal distributions were done in partnership with different local agencies and the local police department. In total, 565 meals and drinks were served.

One June 6th, 2024, local Advisory Council members and Salvation Army staff served the Gwinnett Police Department a special meal as a thank you for their continued partnership. At this event, 150 meals and drinks were served from the FedEx canteen.

Memphis, Tennessee Hope on Wheels Program

The Salvation Army Memphis Area Command uses the FedEx canteen for Hope On Wheels weekly food distribution throughout Metro Memphis area. Usually, a volunteer team of 5-10 help prepare over 200 meals weekly alongside, snack, drinks and needed hygiene items. This ministry is key to they success of bringing Hope to Memphis and meeting the needs of those within the displaced or less fortunate environment. In total, over 2,900 meals, 1,200 snacks, and 3,200 drinks were served.

2,900 Meals served

New Orleans, Louisiana Outreach Program

Every Wednesday, The Salvation Army in New Orleans, Louisiana takes a group of five volunteers from the ranks of Salvation Army Officers and Soldiers to various locations around the city. From the canteen, food is served and information is provided on The Salvation Army's shelter and Adult Rehabilitation Programs to community members. In the 2nd Quarter, 870 meals and 1,109 snacks were served.

870 Meals Served

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Mobile Feeding Program

In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the FedEx canteen is used to assist with mobile feeding for the unhoused population at encampments and city parks. This program has greatly expanded in the last six months with a 75% increase in the number of individuals being served. This is due partly to the summer season and shelter closure during these months. However, the main reason for the program's expansion is the continued rapport building between volunteers and the unhoused population. A second Salvation Army canteen alongside the FedEx canteen to visit various encampments and a local park, where the feeding program has traditionally been held.

The Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Service collaborates with other Salvation Army programs such as the Family Caring Center, Adult Rehabilitation Center, Anti-Human Trafficking Department, and the local Salvation Army Corp to provide social services. Outside partners include Home Depot, FedEx, Highmark, and numerous others.

News Article

Virginia Meal Delivery & Feeding Program

The Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services team in Danville, Virginia used their FedEx canteen in Danville and Martinsville, Virginia. Every Monday, the Emergency Disaster Services team delivered breakfast to 60 food insecure children attending camp each week. On Thursdays, the FedEx canteen was taken to a lunch feeding program at the Martinsville Service Center where meals are served to in-need community members.

In total, 1860 meals and been delivered. Of these meals, The Salvation Army delivers 60 meals each week for the first five weeks of camp, and this will continue throughout the rest of the summer.

Chicago, Illinois Community Health Fair Event

The Salvation Army took the FedEx canteen to the Midwest Corp's Community Health Fair Event. From the FedEx canteen, volunteers and staff served 715 snacks and 75 drinks.

Trenton, New Jersey Mobile Feeding Program

A team of volunteers from the Trenton Corps in the Trenton area use the FedEx canteen every other Friday to serve prepared meals to the community, focusing on vulnerable populations. They also provide pantry bags, blankets, hygiene items, and other items (socks, coats, toys, etc.) as available. The Salvation Army Corps Officers and other team members work with other service providers and law enforcement to identify areas where services are needed.

Clients are provided with information and guidance to seek out additional resources according to their long-term needs. Volunteers come from various groups, including civic organizations (Rotary, Kiwanis, Elks, etc.), corps members, local high schools, college student organizations, city/county agencies, and more. This quarter, 1,613 meals, snacks, and drinks as well as 56 masks, 626 socks, and 32 toys were provided.

Social Media Post

Special Events

Miami, Florida Salvation Army Take Your Child to Work Day

In Miami, Florida, children of The Salvation Army employees participated in an all-day event teaching them about the different departments. For Emergency Disaster. Services, the group learned and participated in meal prep and service (snacks) and Emotional and Spiritual Care.

36 Snacks Served

Georgia Division Participates in Corners Outreach Resource Event

The Salvation Army Georgia Division Emergency Disaster Services team partnered with Corners Outreach on April 25th. At the Resource Event, The Salvation Army served meals to attendees from the FedEx canteen.

514 Meals Served

FDIC 2024 Lucas Oil Event

The Salvation Army Indiana Division Emergency Disaster Services assisted with the FDIC 2024 Lucas Oil Event on April 13th and 14th. This event offers training, workshops, and innovative products to Fire and Rescue professionals from around the world.

The Salvation Army worked with the Indiana Fire Department and the Indianapolis Fire Buffs at the event. From the FedEx canteen, food and drinks were served during check-in day and move-in day. A total of 235 snacks and 90 drinks were served.

Clays for a Cause in Indiana

The Salvation Army Indiana Division Emergency Disaster Services team assisted at The Salvation Army's Clays for a Cause event. The Emergency Disaster Services team served morning break snacks and drinks and drinks throughout the event from the FedEx canteen to attendees.

Kansas City, Missouri Free Smoke Alarm Event

On April 12th, 2024, The Salvation Army Southern Kansas and Western Missouri Division participated in a community event where volunteers, the local fire department trainees, and community partners installed free smoke alarms in the Argentine and Armourdale neighborhoods. From the FedEx canteen, the Emergency Disaster Services team distributed 140 meals and drinks and 240 snacks to the volunteers, fire department trainees, and community partners.

Big Rigs for Kids Event in Shawnee, Kansas

On April 13th, 2024, in Shawnee, Kansas The Salvation Army brought the FedEx canteen to Trucks and Big Rigs for Kids. This event is put on by the Johnson County Parks and Recreation Department and benefits the Special Olympics. This event gave children an opportunity to explore trucks and
big rigs. Children were able to climb into the driver's seat of the vehicles, honk the horn, turn on sirens, etcetera. They also got a chance to ask the operators about the vehicle. The children and parents enjoyed seeing the inside of the FedEx canteen and were impressed with the ability to
feed so many people.

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SOURCE: FedEx Corporation

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