Individual Income Tax Filing: Refundable American Opportunity Credit, Number of Returns : 8763285 (As of 2016-01-01) ( Discontinued )


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Individual Income Tax Filing: Refundable American Opportunity Credit, Number of Returns was 8763285 as of 2016-01-01, according to Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Historically, Individual Income Tax Filing: Refundable American Opportunity Credit, Number of Returns reached a record high of 12823967 and a record low of 8763285, the median value is 10081579. Typical value range is from 8988859 to 11659806. The Year-Over-Year growth is -9%. GuruFocus provides the current actual value, an historical data chart and related indicators for Individual Income Tax Filing: Refundable American Opportunity Credit, Number of Returns - last updated on 2016-01-01.

Annual , not seasonally adjusted . The amounts "used to offset income tax before credits" and "used to offset other taxes" (that are income-related) are reflected in the statistics for "total tax credits"; however, the "excess" or refundable portion of the credits are reflected in the statistics for tax "overpayments." The refundable portion of the credit is the amount (in excess of the taxes) that could not be credited, including any "advance earned income credit payments" on those returns that had such an excess. ("Advance earned income credit payments" were made to employees electing to receive such payments currently through their paychecks. Such "payments" are included in the statistics only if the employees also met the tax return filing requirements; advance payments received by those not required to file are, therefore, excluded). For additional information about the return filing requirements, see the annual reports, Statistics of Income-Individual Income Tax Returns at
Category Population, Employment, & Labor Markets
Region USA
Source Internal Revenue Service (IRS)


Name Value
Last Value 8763285
Latest Period 2016-01-01
Long Term Average 10,324,332.50
Average Annualized Growth Rate -0.12%
Value from 1 year ago
Change from 1 year ago %
Frequency Annual
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