Natural Rate of Unemployment, short-term : 4.272% (As of 2031-10-01) ( Discontinued )


Basic Info

Natural Rate of Unemployment, short-term was 4.272 as of 2031-10-01, according to Congressional Budget Office. Historically, Natural Rate of Unemployment, short-term reached a record high of 6.239 and a record low of 4.272, the median value is 5.406. Typical value range is from 4.32 to 4.42. The Year-Over-Year growth is -0.52%. GuruFocus provides the current actual value, an historical data chart and related indicators for Natural Rate of Unemployment, short-term - last updated on 2031-10-01.

Quarterly , not seasonally adjusted . The natural rate of unemployment (NAIRU) is the rate of unemployment arising from all sources except fluctuations in aggregate demand. Estimates of potential GDP are based on the long-term natural rate. (CBO did not make explicit adjustments to the short-term natural rate for structural factors before the recent downturn.) The short-term natural rate incorporates structural factors that are temporarily boosting the natural rate beginning in 2008. The short-term natural rate is used to gauge the amount of current and projected slack in labor markets, which is a key input into CBO's projections of inflation.
Category Population, Employment, & Labor Markets
Region USA
Source Congressional Budget Office


Name Value
Last Value 4.272%
Latest Period 2031-10-01
Long Term Average 4.37%
Average Annualized Growth Rate -0.25%
Value from 1 year ago %
Change from 1 year ago %
Frequency Quarterly
Unit %
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