James Phillip Holloman - Net Worth and Insider Trading
James Phillip Holloman Net Worth
The estimated net worth of James Phillip Holloman is at least $104 Million dollars as of 2025-01-13. James Phillip Holloman is the President and COO of Cintas Corp and owns about 546,500 shares of Cintas Corp (CTAS) stock worth over $103 Million. James Phillip Holloman is the Director of Vestis Corp and owns about 64,532 shares of Vestis Corp (VSTS) stock worth over $1 Million. James Phillip Holloman is also the Director of Rockwell Automation Inc and owns about 0 shares of Rockwell Automation Inc (ROK) stock worth over $0. Details can be seen in James Phillip Holloman's Latest Holdings Summary section.
Disclaimer: The insider information is derived from SEC filings. The estimated net worth is based on the final shares held after open market or private purchases and sales of common stock with a transaction code of "P" or "S" on Form 4, assuming that James Phillip Holloman has not made any transactions after 2024-05-08 and currently still holds the listed stock(s). Please note that this estimate may not reflect the actual net worth.
Transaction Summary of James Phillip Holloman
James Phillip Holloman Insider Ownership Reports
Based on ownership reports from SEC filings, as the reporting owner, James Phillip Holloman owns 60 companies in total, including Rockwell Automation Inc (ROK) , Cintas Corp (CTAS) , and PulteGroup Inc (PHM) among others .
Click here to see the complete history of James Phillip Holloman’s form 4 insider trades.
Insider Ownership Summary of James Phillip Holloman
Ticker | Comapny | Transaction Date | Type of Owner |
ROK | Rockwell Automation Inc | 2021-07-01 | director |
CTAS | Cintas Corp | 2018-04-30 | President and COO |
PHM | PulteGroup Inc | 2020-11-17 | director |
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2021-09-27 | director | ||
2021-06-10 | director | ||
2022-10-26 | director | ||
2024-05-08 | director |
James Phillip Holloman Latest Holdings Summary
James Phillip Holloman currently owns a total of 3 stocks. Among these stocks, James Phillip Holloman owns 546,500 shares of Cintas Corp (CTAS) as of April 30, 2018, with a value of $103 Million and a weighting of 99.01%. James Phillip Holloman owns 64,532 shares of Vestis Corp (VSTS) as of May 8, 2024, with a value of $1 Million and a weighting of 0.99%. James Phillip Holloman also owns 0 shares of Rockwell Automation Inc (ROK) as of May 8, 2020, with a value of $0 and a weighting of 0%.
Latest Holdings of James Phillip Holloman
Ticker | Comapny | Latest Transaction Date | Shares Owned | Current Price ($) | Current Value ($) |
CTAS | Cintas Corp | 2018-04-30 | 546,500 | 189.30 | 103,452,450 |
VSTS | Vestis Corp | 2024-05-08 | 64,532 | 15.97 | 1,030,576 |
ROK | Rockwell Automation Inc | 2020-05-08 | 0 | 273.40 | 0 |
Holding Weightings of James Phillip Holloman
James Phillip Holloman Form 4 Trading Tracker
According to the SEC Form 4 filings, James Phillip Holloman has made a total of 0 transactions in Cintas Corp (CTAS) over the past 5 years. The most-recent trade in Cintas Corp is the sale of 30,092 shares on April 30, 2018, which brought James Phillip Holloman around $1 Million.
According to the SEC Form 4 filings, James Phillip Holloman has made a total of 2 transactions in Vestis Corp (VSTS) over the past 5 years, including 2 buys and 0 sells. The most-recent trade in Vestis Corp is the acquisition of 20,400 shares on May 8, 2024, which cost James Phillip Holloman around $215,628.
According to the SEC Form 4 filings, James Phillip Holloman has made a total of 1 transactions in Rockwell Automation Inc (ROK) over the past 5 years, including 0 buys and 1 sells. The most-recent trade in Rockwell Automation Inc is the sale of 1,582 shares on May 8, 2020, which brought James Phillip Holloman around $307,446.
Insider Trading History of James Phillip Holloman
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James Phillip Holloman Trading Performance
GuruFocus tracks the stock performance after each of James Phillip Holloman's buying transactions within different timeframes. To be detailed, the average return of stocks after 3 months bought by James Phillip Holloman is 27.26%. GuruFocus also compares James Phillip Holloman's trading performance to market benchmark return within the same time period. The performance of stocks bought by James Phillip Holloman within 3 months outperforms 2 times out of 2 transactions in total compared to the return of S&P 500 within the same period.
You can select different timeframes to see how James Phillip Holloman's insider trading performs compared to the benchmark.
Performance of James Phillip Holloman
James Phillip Holloman Ownership Network
Ownership Network List of James Phillip Holloman
Ownership Network Relation of James Phillip Holloman
James Phillip Holloman Owned Company Details
What does Rockwell Automation Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Rockwell Automation Inc?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Rockwell Automation Inc. Other key executives at Rockwell Automation Inc include Sr.VP & Chief Revenue Officer Scott Genereux , SVP Lifecycle Services Matthew W. Fordenwalt , and SVP & Strategy & Corp Developmt Veena M Lakkundi .
Rockwell Automation Inc (ROK) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in Rockwell Automation Inc (ROK). Other recent insider transactions involving Rockwell Automation Inc (ROK) include a net sale of 6,265 shares made by Scott Genereux , a net sale of 2,870 shares made by Robert L. Buttermore , and a net sale of 2,743 shares made by Tessa M. Myers .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 43,261 shares of Rockwell Automation Inc (ROK) in total and bought 7,273 shares, with a net sale of 35,988 shares. During the past 18 months, 90,564 shares of Rockwell Automation Inc (ROK) were sold and 10,773 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 79,791 shares.
Rockwell Automation Inc (ROK)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Rockwell Automation Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Cintas Corp do?
Who are the key executives at Cintas Corp?
James Phillip Holloman is the President and COO of Cintas Corp. Other key executives at Cintas Corp include director & CEO and Director Todd M. Schneider , Executive Vice President & COO Jim Rozakis , and VP & CFO J. Michael Hansen .
Cintas Corp (CTAS) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in Cintas Corp (CTAS). Other recent insider transactions involving Cintas Corp (CTAS) include a net sale of 3,786 shares made by Gerald S Adolph , a net sale of 9,774 shares made by J. Michael Hansen , and a net sale of 6,896 shares made by Todd M. Schneider .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Cintas Corp (CTAS) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 132,668 shares of Cintas Corp (CTAS) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 132,668 shares.
Cintas Corp (CTAS)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Cintas Corp Insider Transactions
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What does PulteGroup Inc do?
Who are the key executives at PulteGroup Inc?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of PulteGroup Inc. Other key executives at PulteGroup Inc include Exec. VP & CFO Robert Oshaughnessy , Vice President & Controller Brien P. O'meara , and EVP and Chief People Officer Kevin A Henry .
PulteGroup Inc (PHM) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in PulteGroup Inc (PHM). Other recent insider transactions involving PulteGroup Inc (PHM) include a net sale of 100,000 shares made by Robert Oshaughnessy , a net sale of 5,528 shares made by Lila Snyder , and a net sale of 19,000 shares made by Thomas J Folliard .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of PulteGroup Inc (PHM) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 126,528 shares of PulteGroup Inc (PHM) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 126,528 shares.
PulteGroup Inc (PHM)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
PulteGroup Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock Income Trust Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Income Trust Inc?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Income Trust Inc. Other key executives at Blackrock Income Trust Inc include other: Portfolio Manager Nicholas Andrew Kramvis , Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , and Chief Financial Officer Trent Walker .
Blackrock Income Trust Inc (BKT) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in Blackrock Income Trust Inc (BKT). Other recent insider transactions involving Blackrock Income Trust Inc (BKT) include a net purchase of 10 shares made by Stayce D. Harris ,
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Income Trust Inc (BKT) in total and bought 10 shares, with a net purchase of 10 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Blackrock Income Trust Inc (BKT) were sold and 10 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 10 shares.
Blackrock Income Trust Inc (BKT)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Income Trust Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock Munivest Fund Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Munivest Fund Inc?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Munivest Fund Inc. Other key executives at Blackrock Munivest Fund Inc include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , other: Portfolio Manager Kristi Manidis Santiago , and other: Portfolio Manager Christian Romaglino .
Blackrock Munivest Fund Inc (MVF) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Munivest Fund Inc (MVF) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Blackrock Munivest Fund Inc (MVF) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Blackrock Munivest Fund Inc (MVF)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Munivest Fund Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock Muniyield Fund Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Muniyield Fund Inc?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Muniyield Fund Inc. Other key executives at Blackrock Muniyield Fund Inc include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , other: Portfolio Manager Kristi Manidis Santiago , and other: Portfolio Manager Christian Romaglino .
Blackrock Muniyield Fund Inc (MYD) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in Blackrock Muniyield Fund Inc (MYD). Other recent insider transactions involving Blackrock Muniyield Fund Inc (MYD) include a net purchase of 10 shares made by Stayce D. Harris ,
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Muniyield Fund Inc (MYD) in total and bought 10 shares, with a net purchase of 10 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Blackrock Muniyield Fund Inc (MYD) were sold and 10 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 10 shares.
Blackrock Muniyield Fund Inc (MYD)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Muniyield Fund Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock Muniyield NY Quality FD, Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Muniyield NY Quality FD, Inc?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Muniyield NY Quality FD, Inc. Other key executives at Blackrock Muniyield NY Quality FD, Inc include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , other: Portfolio Manager Kristi Manidis Santiago , and other: Portfolio Manager Michael Kalinoski .
Blackrock Muniyield NY Quality FD, Inc (MYN) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Muniyield NY Quality FD, Inc (MYN) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Blackrock Muniyield NY Quality FD, Inc (MYN) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Blackrock Muniyield NY Quality FD, Inc (MYN)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Muniyield NY Quality FD, Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock Muniyield California Fund, Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Muniyield California Fund, Inc?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Muniyield California Fund, Inc. Other key executives at Blackrock Muniyield California Fund, Inc include 10 percent owner Wells Fargo & Company/mn , 10 percent owner Wells Fargo Bank N A , and Chief Financial Officer Trent Walker .
Blackrock Muniyield California Fund, Inc (MYC) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Muniyield California Fund, Inc (MYC) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Blackrock Muniyield California Fund, Inc (MYC) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Blackrock Muniyield California Fund, Inc (MYC)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Muniyield California Fund, Inc Insider Transactions
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Who are the key executives at BLACKROCK MUNIYIELD QUALITY FUND III, INC.?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of BLACKROCK MUNIYIELD QUALITY FUND III, INC.. Other key executives at BLACKROCK MUNIYIELD QUALITY FUND III, INC. include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , other: Portfolio Manager Kristi Manidis Santiago , and other: Portfolio Manager Phillip Soccio .
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in BLACKROCK MUNIYIELD QUALITY FUND III, INC. (MYI). Other recent insider transactions involving BLACKROCK MUNIYIELD QUALITY FUND III, INC. (MYI) include a net purchase of 10 shares made by Stayce D. Harris ,
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of BLACKROCK MUNIYIELD QUALITY FUND III, INC. (MYI) in total and bought 10 shares, with a net purchase of 10 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of BLACKROCK MUNIYIELD QUALITY FUND III, INC. (MYI) were sold and 10 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 10 shares.
BLACKROCK MUNIYIELD QUALITY FUND III, INC. (MYI)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
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What does Blackrock Muniyield New Jersey Fund Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Muniyield New Jersey Fund Inc?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Muniyield New Jersey Fund Inc. Other key executives at Blackrock Muniyield New Jersey Fund Inc include other: Portfolio Manager Jaeckel Theodore R Jr , director & See Remarks John Perlowski , and Chief Financial Officer Trent Walker .
Blackrock Muniyield New Jersey Fund Inc (MYJ) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Muniyield New Jersey Fund Inc (MYJ) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Blackrock Muniyield New Jersey Fund Inc (MYJ) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Blackrock Muniyield New Jersey Fund Inc (MYJ)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Muniyield New Jersey Fund Inc Insider Transactions
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Who are the key executives at BLACKROCK MUNIYIELD QUALITY FUND II, INC.?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of BLACKROCK MUNIYIELD QUALITY FUND II, INC.. Other key executives at BLACKROCK MUNIYIELD QUALITY FUND II, INC. include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , other: Portfolio Manager Peter Hayes , and other: Portfolio Manager Walter Oconnor .
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in BLACKROCK MUNIYIELD QUALITY FUND II, INC. (MQT). Other recent insider transactions involving BLACKROCK MUNIYIELD QUALITY FUND II, INC. (MQT) include a net purchase of 10 shares made by Stayce D. Harris ,
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of BLACKROCK MUNIYIELD QUALITY FUND II, INC. (MQT) in total and bought 10 shares, with a net purchase of 10 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of BLACKROCK MUNIYIELD QUALITY FUND II, INC. (MQT) were sold and 10 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 10 shares.
BLACKROCK MUNIYIELD QUALITY FUND II, INC. (MQT)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
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James Phillip Holloman is the director of BLACKROCK MUNIYIELD CALIFORNIA QUALITY FUND, INC.. Other key executives at BLACKROCK MUNIYIELD CALIFORNIA QUALITY FUND, INC. include 10 percent owner Wells Fargo & Company/mn , 10 percent owner Wells Fargo Bank N A , and Chief Financial Officer Trent Walker .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of BLACKROCK MUNIYIELD CALIFORNIA QUALITY FUND, INC. (MCA) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of BLACKROCK MUNIYIELD CALIFORNIA QUALITY FUND, INC. (MCA) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
BLACKROCK MUNIYIELD CALIFORNIA QUALITY FUND, INC. (MCA)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
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What does Blackrock Muniyield Quality Fund Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Muniyield Quality Fund Inc?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Muniyield Quality Fund Inc. Other key executives at Blackrock Muniyield Quality Fund Inc include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , other: Portfolio Manager Kristi Manidis Santiago , and other: Portfolio Manager Walter Oconnor .
Blackrock Muniyield Quality Fund Inc (MQY) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in Blackrock Muniyield Quality Fund Inc (MQY). Other recent insider transactions involving Blackrock Muniyield Quality Fund Inc (MQY) include a net purchase of 10 shares made by Stayce D. Harris ,
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Muniyield Quality Fund Inc (MQY) in total and bought 10 shares, with a net purchase of 10 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Blackrock Muniyield Quality Fund Inc (MQY) were sold and 10 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 10 shares.
Blackrock Muniyield Quality Fund Inc (MQY)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Muniyield Quality Fund Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock Muniyield Michigan Quality Fund Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Muniyield Michigan Quality Fund Inc?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Muniyield Michigan Quality Fund Inc. Other key executives at Blackrock Muniyield Michigan Quality Fund Inc include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , other: Portfolio Manager Kevin Maloney , and other: Portfolio Manager Phillip Soccio .
Blackrock Muniyield Michigan Quality Fund Inc (MIY) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Muniyield Michigan Quality Fund Inc (MIY) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Blackrock Muniyield Michigan Quality Fund Inc (MIY) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Blackrock Muniyield Michigan Quality Fund Inc (MIY)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Muniyield Michigan Quality Fund Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock Muniyield Pennsylvania Quality Fund do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Muniyield Pennsylvania Quality Fund?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Muniyield Pennsylvania Quality Fund. Other key executives at Blackrock Muniyield Pennsylvania Quality Fund include other: Portfolio Manager Phillip Soccio , 10 percent owner Saba Capital Management, L.p. , and Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman .
Blackrock Muniyield Pennsylvania Quality Fund (MPA) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in Blackrock Muniyield Pennsylvania Quality Fund (MPA). Other recent insider transactions involving Blackrock Muniyield Pennsylvania Quality Fund (MPA) include a net purchase of 769,216 shares made by Saba Capital Management, L.p. , and a net sale of 2,056 shares made by Phillip Soccio .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Muniyield Pennsylvania Quality Fund (MPA) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 2,056 shares of Blackrock Muniyield Pennsylvania Quality Fund (MPA) were sold and 769,216 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 767,160 shares.
Blackrock Muniyield Pennsylvania Quality Fund (MPA)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Muniyield Pennsylvania Quality Fund Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock Investment Quality Municipal Trust, Inc. do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Investment Quality Municipal Trust, Inc.?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Investment Quality Municipal Trust, Inc.. Other key executives at Blackrock Investment Quality Municipal Trust, Inc. include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , other: Portfolio Manager Kristi Manidis Santiago , and other: Portfolio Manager Phillip Soccio .
Blackrock Investment Quality Municipal Trust, Inc. (BKN) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in Blackrock Investment Quality Municipal Trust, Inc. (BKN). Other recent insider transactions involving Blackrock Investment Quality Municipal Trust, Inc. (BKN) include a net purchase of 10 shares made by Stayce D. Harris ,
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Investment Quality Municipal Trust, Inc. (BKN) in total and bought 10 shares, with a net purchase of 10 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Blackrock Investment Quality Municipal Trust, Inc. (BKN) were sold and 10 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 10 shares.
Blackrock Investment Quality Municipal Trust, Inc. (BKN)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Investment Quality Municipal Trust, Inc. Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock Munivest Fund II Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Munivest Fund II Inc?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Munivest Fund II Inc. Other key executives at Blackrock Munivest Fund II Inc include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , other: Portfolio Manager Kevin Maloney , and other: Portfolio Manager Kristi Manidis Santiago .
Blackrock Munivest Fund II Inc (MVT) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in Blackrock Munivest Fund II Inc (MVT). Other recent insider transactions involving Blackrock Munivest Fund II Inc (MVT) include a net purchase of 10 shares made by Stayce D. Harris ,
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Munivest Fund II Inc (MVT) in total and bought 10 shares, with a net purchase of 10 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Blackrock Munivest Fund II Inc (MVT) were sold and 10 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 10 shares.
Blackrock Munivest Fund II Inc (MVT)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Munivest Fund II Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock Muniassets Fund Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Muniassets Fund Inc?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Muniassets Fund Inc. Other key executives at Blackrock Muniassets Fund Inc include 10 percent owner Bank Of America Corp /de/ , Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , and other: Portfolio Manager Kristi Manidis Santiago .
Blackrock Muniassets Fund Inc (MUA) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in Blackrock Muniassets Fund Inc (MUA). Other recent insider transactions involving Blackrock Muniassets Fund Inc (MUA) include a net sale of 0 shares made by Bank Of America Corp /de/ , and a net purchase of 10 shares made by Stayce D. Harris .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Muniassets Fund Inc (MUA) in total and bought 10 shares, with a net purchase of 10 shares. During the past 18 months, 50,383 shares of Blackrock Muniassets Fund Inc (MUA) were sold and 50,393 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 10 shares.
Blackrock Muniassets Fund Inc (MUA)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Muniassets Fund Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock Muniholdings Fund Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Muniholdings Fund Inc?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Muniholdings Fund Inc. Other key executives at Blackrock Muniholdings Fund Inc include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , other: Portfolio Manager Phillip Soccio , and other: Portfolio Manager Kristi Manidis Santiago .
Blackrock Muniholdings Fund Inc (MHD) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in Blackrock Muniholdings Fund Inc (MHD). Other recent insider transactions involving Blackrock Muniholdings Fund Inc (MHD) include a net purchase of 10 shares made by Stayce D. Harris ,
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Muniholdings Fund Inc (MHD) in total and bought 10 shares, with a net purchase of 10 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Blackrock Muniholdings Fund Inc (MHD) were sold and 10 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 10 shares.
Blackrock Muniholdings Fund Inc (MHD)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Muniholdings Fund Inc Insider Transactions
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James Phillip Holloman is the director of BLACKROCK MUNIHOLDINGS NEW YORK QUALITY FUND, INC.. Other key executives at BLACKROCK MUNIHOLDINGS NEW YORK QUALITY FUND, INC. include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , other: Portfolio Manager Kristi Manidis Santiago , and other: Portfolio Manager Michael Kalinoski .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of BLACKROCK MUNIHOLDINGS NEW YORK QUALITY FUND, INC. (MHN) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of BLACKROCK MUNIHOLDINGS NEW YORK QUALITY FUND, INC. (MHN) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
BLACKROCK MUNIHOLDINGS NEW YORK QUALITY FUND, INC. (MHN)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
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What does Blackrock Muniholdings Investment Quality Fund do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Muniholdings Investment Quality Fund?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Muniholdings Investment Quality Fund. Other key executives at Blackrock Muniholdings Investment Quality Fund include other: Portfolio Manager Walter Oconnor , Chief Financial Officer Trent Walker , and other: Portfolio Manager Peter Hayes .
Blackrock Muniholdings Investment Quality Fund (MFL) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Muniholdings Investment Quality Fund (MFL) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Blackrock Muniholdings Investment Quality Fund (MFL) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Blackrock Muniholdings Investment Quality Fund (MFL)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Muniholdings Investment Quality Fund Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock Debt Strategies Fund Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Debt Strategies Fund Inc?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Debt Strategies Fund Inc. Other key executives at Blackrock Debt Strategies Fund Inc include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , other: Portfolio Manager Carly Wilson , and Chief Financial Officer Trent Walker .
Blackrock Debt Strategies Fund Inc (DSU) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in Blackrock Debt Strategies Fund Inc (DSU). Other recent insider transactions involving Blackrock Debt Strategies Fund Inc (DSU) include a net purchase of 10 shares made by Stayce D. Harris ,
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Debt Strategies Fund Inc (DSU) in total and bought 10 shares, with a net purchase of 10 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Blackrock Debt Strategies Fund Inc (DSU) were sold and 10 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 10 shares.
Blackrock Debt Strategies Fund Inc (DSU)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Debt Strategies Fund Inc Insider Transactions
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What does BlackRock MuniHoldings California Quality Fund Inc do?
Who are the key executives at BlackRock MuniHoldings California Quality Fund Inc?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of BlackRock MuniHoldings California Quality Fund Inc. Other key executives at BlackRock MuniHoldings California Quality Fund Inc include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , other: Portfolio Manager Kristi Manidis Santiago , and other: Portfolio Manager Christian Romaglino .
BlackRock MuniHoldings California Quality Fund Inc (MUC) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in BlackRock MuniHoldings California Quality Fund Inc (MUC). Other recent insider transactions involving BlackRock MuniHoldings California Quality Fund Inc (MUC) include a net purchase of 10 shares made by Stayce D. Harris ,
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of BlackRock MuniHoldings California Quality Fund Inc (MUC) in total and bought 10 shares, with a net purchase of 10 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of BlackRock MuniHoldings California Quality Fund Inc (MUC) were sold and 10 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 10 shares.
BlackRock MuniHoldings California Quality Fund Inc (MUC)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
BlackRock MuniHoldings California Quality Fund Inc Insider Transactions
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What does BlackRock MuniHoldings New Jersey Quality Fund Inc do?
Who are the key executives at BlackRock MuniHoldings New Jersey Quality Fund Inc?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of BlackRock MuniHoldings New Jersey Quality Fund Inc. Other key executives at BlackRock MuniHoldings New Jersey Quality Fund Inc include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , other: Portfolio Manager Kristi Manidis Santiago , and other: Portfolio Manager Kevin Maloney .
BlackRock MuniHoldings New Jersey Quality Fund Inc (MUJ) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of BlackRock MuniHoldings New Jersey Quality Fund Inc (MUJ) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of BlackRock MuniHoldings New Jersey Quality Fund Inc (MUJ) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
BlackRock MuniHoldings New Jersey Quality Fund Inc (MUJ)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
BlackRock MuniHoldings New Jersey Quality Fund Inc Insider Transactions
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What does BlackRock MuniHoldings Quality Fund II Inc do?
Who are the key executives at BlackRock MuniHoldings Quality Fund II Inc?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of BlackRock MuniHoldings Quality Fund II Inc. Other key executives at BlackRock MuniHoldings Quality Fund II Inc include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , other: Portfolio Manager Kristi Manidis Santiago , and other: Portfolio Manager Kevin Maloney .
BlackRock MuniHoldings Quality Fund II Inc (MUE) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in BlackRock MuniHoldings Quality Fund II Inc (MUE). Other recent insider transactions involving BlackRock MuniHoldings Quality Fund II Inc (MUE) include a net purchase of 10 shares made by Stayce D. Harris ,
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of BlackRock MuniHoldings Quality Fund II Inc (MUE) in total and bought 10 shares, with a net purchase of 10 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of BlackRock MuniHoldings Quality Fund II Inc (MUE) were sold and 10 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 10 shares.
BlackRock MuniHoldings Quality Fund II Inc (MUE)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
BlackRock MuniHoldings Quality Fund II Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock NY Municipal Income Tr do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock NY Municipal Income Tr?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock NY Municipal Income Tr. Other key executives at Blackrock NY Municipal Income Tr include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , other: Portfolio Manager Kristi Manidis Santiago , and other: Portfolio Manager Michael Kalinoski .
Blackrock NY Municipal Income Tr (BNY) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock NY Municipal Income Tr (BNY) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Blackrock NY Municipal Income Tr (BNY) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Blackrock NY Municipal Income Tr (BNY)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock NY Municipal Income Tr Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock CA Muni Income Tr do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock CA Muni Income Tr?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock CA Muni Income Tr. Other key executives at Blackrock CA Muni Income Tr include 10 percent owner Saba Capital Management, L.p. , Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , and 10 percent owner Boaz Weinstein .
Blackrock CA Muni Income Tr (BFZ) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in Blackrock CA Muni Income Tr (BFZ). Other recent insider transactions involving Blackrock CA Muni Income Tr (BFZ) include a net purchase of 975,976 shares made by Saba Capital Management, L.p. , and a net purchase of 10 shares made by Stayce D. Harris .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 39,480 shares of Blackrock CA Muni Income Tr (BFZ) in total and bought 10 shares, with a net sale of 39,470 shares. During the past 18 months, 39,480 shares of Blackrock CA Muni Income Tr (BFZ) were sold and 1,015,466 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 975,986 shares.
Blackrock CA Muni Income Tr (BFZ)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock CA Muni Income Tr Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock Municipal Income Trust do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Municipal Income Trust?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Municipal Income Trust. Other key executives at Blackrock Municipal Income Trust include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , other: Portfolio Manager Kristi Manidis Santiago , and other: Portfolio Manager Michael Kalinoski .
Blackrock Municipal Income Trust (BFK) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in Blackrock Municipal Income Trust (BFK). Other recent insider transactions involving Blackrock Municipal Income Trust (BFK) include a net purchase of 10 shares made by Stayce D. Harris ,
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Municipal Income Trust (BFK) in total and bought 10 shares, with a net purchase of 10 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Blackrock Municipal Income Trust (BFK) were sold and 10 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 10 shares.
Blackrock Municipal Income Trust (BFK)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Municipal Income Trust Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock Core Bond Trust do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Core Bond Trust?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Core Bond Trust. Other key executives at Blackrock Core Bond Trust include other: Portfolio Manager Scott Maclellan , Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , and Chief Financial Officer Trent Walker .
Blackrock Core Bond Trust (BHK) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in Blackrock Core Bond Trust (BHK). Other recent insider transactions involving Blackrock Core Bond Trust (BHK) include a net sale of 1,320 shares made by Scott Maclellan , and a net purchase of 10 shares made by Stayce D. Harris .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Core Bond Trust (BHK) in total and bought 10 shares, with a net purchase of 10 shares. During the past 18 months, 1,320 shares of Blackrock Core Bond Trust (BHK) were sold and 10 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 1,310 shares.
Blackrock Core Bond Trust (BHK)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Core Bond Trust Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock Virginia Municipal Bond Trust do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Virginia Municipal Bond Trust?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Virginia Municipal Bond Trust. Other key executives at Blackrock Virginia Municipal Bond Trust include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , other: Portfolio Manager Michael Kalinoski , and other: Portfolio Manager Kristi Manidis Santiago .
Blackrock Virginia Municipal Bond Trust (BHV) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Virginia Municipal Bond Trust (BHV) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Blackrock Virginia Municipal Bond Trust (BHV) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Blackrock Virginia Municipal Bond Trust (BHV)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Virginia Municipal Bond Trust Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock Municipal Income Trust II do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Municipal Income Trust II?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Municipal Income Trust II. Other key executives at Blackrock Municipal Income Trust II include other: Portfolio Manager Phillip Soccio , Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , and other: Officer of the Advisor Peter Hayes .
Blackrock Municipal Income Trust II (BLE) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in Blackrock Municipal Income Trust II (BLE). Other recent insider transactions involving Blackrock Municipal Income Trust II (BLE) include a net sale of 229 shares made by Phillip Soccio , and a net purchase of 10 shares made by Stayce D. Harris .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Municipal Income Trust II (BLE) in total and bought 10 shares, with a net purchase of 10 shares. During the past 18 months, 229 shares of Blackrock Municipal Income Trust II (BLE) were sold and 10 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 219 shares.
Blackrock Municipal Income Trust II (BLE)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Municipal Income Trust II Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock Municipal Income Quality Trust do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Municipal Income Quality Trust?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Municipal Income Quality Trust. Other key executives at Blackrock Municipal Income Quality Trust include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , other: Portfolio Manager Walter Oconnor , and other: Portfolio Manager Phillip Soccio .
Blackrock Municipal Income Quality Trust (BYM) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in Blackrock Municipal Income Quality Trust (BYM). Other recent insider transactions involving Blackrock Municipal Income Quality Trust (BYM) include a net purchase of 10 shares made by Stayce D. Harris ,
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Municipal Income Quality Trust (BYM) in total and bought 10 shares, with a net purchase of 10 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Blackrock Municipal Income Quality Trust (BYM) were sold and 10 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 10 shares.
Blackrock Municipal Income Quality Trust (BYM)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Municipal Income Quality Trust Insider Transactions
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What does BlackRock Corporate High Yield Fund Inc do?
Who are the key executives at BlackRock Corporate High Yield Fund Inc?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of BlackRock Corporate High Yield Fund Inc. Other key executives at BlackRock Corporate High Yield Fund Inc include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , other: Portfolio Manager David Delbos , and Chief Financial Officer Trent Walker .
BlackRock Corporate High Yield Fund Inc (HYT) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in BlackRock Corporate High Yield Fund Inc (HYT). Other recent insider transactions involving BlackRock Corporate High Yield Fund Inc (HYT) include a net purchase of 10 shares made by Stayce D. Harris ,
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of BlackRock Corporate High Yield Fund Inc (HYT) in total and bought 10 shares, with a net purchase of 10 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of BlackRock Corporate High Yield Fund Inc (HYT) were sold and 10 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 10 shares.
BlackRock Corporate High Yield Fund Inc (HYT)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
BlackRock Corporate High Yield Fund Inc Insider Transactions
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What does BlackRock Municipal Income Fund Inc do?
Who are the key executives at BlackRock Municipal Income Fund Inc?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of BlackRock Municipal Income Fund Inc. Other key executives at BlackRock Municipal Income Fund Inc include 10 percent owner Bank Of America Corp /de/ , 10 percent owner Karpus Management, Inc. , and Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman .
BlackRock Municipal Income Fund Inc (MUI) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in BlackRock Municipal Income Fund Inc (MUI). Other recent insider transactions involving BlackRock Municipal Income Fund Inc (MUI) include a net sale of 0 shares made by Bank Of America Corp /de/ ,
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of BlackRock Municipal Income Fund Inc (MUI) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 4,175 shares of BlackRock Municipal Income Fund Inc (MUI) were sold and 4,175 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
BlackRock Municipal Income Fund Inc (MUI)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
BlackRock Municipal Income Fund Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock Ltd Duration Income Trust do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Ltd Duration Income Trust?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Ltd Duration Income Trust. Other key executives at Blackrock Ltd Duration Income Trust include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , other: Portfolio Manager David Delbos , and Chief Financial Officer Trent Walker .
Blackrock Ltd Duration Income Trust (BLW) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Ltd Duration Income Trust (BLW) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Blackrock Ltd Duration Income Trust (BLW) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Blackrock Ltd Duration Income Trust (BLW)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Ltd Duration Income Trust Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock Floating Rate Inc Stra Fd Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Floating Rate Inc Stra Fd Inc?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Floating Rate Inc Stra Fd Inc. Other key executives at Blackrock Floating Rate Inc Stra Fd Inc include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , Chief Financial Officer Trent Walker , and other: Investment Adviser Blackrock Internationl, Ltd. .
Blackrock Floating Rate Inc Stra Fd Inc (FRA) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in Blackrock Floating Rate Inc Stra Fd Inc (FRA). Other recent insider transactions involving Blackrock Floating Rate Inc Stra Fd Inc (FRA) include a net purchase of 10 shares made by Stayce D. Harris ,
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Floating Rate Inc Stra Fd Inc (FRA) in total and bought 10 shares, with a net purchase of 10 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Blackrock Floating Rate Inc Stra Fd Inc (FRA) were sold and 10 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 10 shares.
Blackrock Floating Rate Inc Stra Fd Inc (FRA)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Floating Rate Inc Stra Fd Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock Enhanced Cap&Inc Fund, Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Enhanced Cap&Inc Fund, Inc?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Enhanced Cap&Inc Fund, Inc. Other key executives at Blackrock Enhanced Cap&Inc Fund, Inc include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , Chief Financial Officer Trent Walker , and other: Portfolio Manager Kyle Mcclements .
Blackrock Enhanced Cap&Inc Fund, Inc (CII) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Enhanced Cap&Inc Fund, Inc (CII) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Blackrock Enhanced Cap&Inc Fund, Inc (CII) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Blackrock Enhanced Cap&Inc Fund, Inc (CII)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Enhanced Cap&Inc Fund, Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock Floating Rate Income Trust do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Floating Rate Income Trust?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Floating Rate Income Trust. Other key executives at Blackrock Floating Rate Income Trust include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , Chief Financial Officer Trent Walker , and other: Investment Adviser Blackrock Internationl, Ltd. .
Blackrock Floating Rate Income Trust (BGT) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in Blackrock Floating Rate Income Trust (BGT). Other recent insider transactions involving Blackrock Floating Rate Income Trust (BGT) include a net purchase of 10 shares made by Stayce D. Harris ,
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Floating Rate Income Trust (BGT) in total and bought 10 shares, with a net purchase of 10 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Blackrock Floating Rate Income Trust (BGT) were sold and 10 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 10 shares.
Blackrock Floating Rate Income Trust (BGT)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Floating Rate Income Trust Insider Transactions
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What does BlackRock Energy & Resources Trust do?
Who are the key executives at BlackRock Energy & Resources Trust?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of BlackRock Energy & Resources Trust. Other key executives at BlackRock Energy & Resources Trust include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , director & See Remarks John Perlowski , and Chief Financial Officer Trent Walker .
BlackRock Energy & Resources Trust (BGR) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of BlackRock Energy & Resources Trust (BGR) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of BlackRock Energy & Resources Trust (BGR) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
BlackRock Energy & Resources Trust (BGR)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
BlackRock Energy & Resources Trust Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock Health Sciences Trust do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Health Sciences Trust?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Health Sciences Trust. Other key executives at Blackrock Health Sciences Trust include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , Chief Financial Officer Trent Walker , and other: Portfolio Manager Jeffrey Gene Lee .
Blackrock Health Sciences Trust (BME) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Health Sciences Trust (BME) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Blackrock Health Sciences Trust (BME) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Blackrock Health Sciences Trust (BME)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Health Sciences Trust Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock Enhanced Global Dividend Trust do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Enhanced Global Dividend Trust?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Enhanced Global Dividend Trust. Other key executives at Blackrock Enhanced Global Dividend Trust include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , other: Portfolio Manager Molly Greenen , and other: Portfolio Manager Olivia Treharne .
Blackrock Enhanced Global Dividend Trust (BOE) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Enhanced Global Dividend Trust (BOE) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Blackrock Enhanced Global Dividend Trust (BOE) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Blackrock Enhanced Global Dividend Trust (BOE)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Enhanced Global Dividend Trust Insider Transactions
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What does BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust do?
Who are the key executives at BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust. Other key executives at BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , Chief Financial Officer Trent Walker , and other: Portfolio Manager Antonio Iii Despirito .
BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust (BDJ) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust (BDJ) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust (BDJ) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust (BDJ)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
BlackRock Enhanced Equity Dividend Trust Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock Enhanced Government Fund Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Enhanced Government Fund Inc?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Enhanced Government Fund Inc. Other key executives at Blackrock Enhanced Government Fund Inc include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , other: Portfolio Manager Scott Maclellan , and Chief Financial Officer Trent Walker .
Blackrock Enhanced Government Fund Inc (EGF) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Enhanced Government Fund Inc (EGF) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Blackrock Enhanced Government Fund Inc (EGF) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Blackrock Enhanced Government Fund Inc (EGF)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Enhanced Government Fund Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock Long-term Municipal AdtgTrust do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Long-term Municipal AdtgTrust?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Long-term Municipal AdtgTrust. Other key executives at Blackrock Long-term Municipal AdtgTrust include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , other: Portfolio Manager Kristi Manidis Santiago , and other: Portfolio Manager Christian Romaglino .
Blackrock Long-term Municipal AdtgTrust (BTA) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in Blackrock Long-term Municipal AdtgTrust (BTA). Other recent insider transactions involving Blackrock Long-term Municipal AdtgTrust (BTA) include a net purchase of 10 shares made by Stayce D. Harris ,
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Long-term Municipal AdtgTrust (BTA) in total and bought 10 shares, with a net purchase of 10 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Blackrock Long-term Municipal AdtgTrust (BTA) were sold and 10 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 10 shares.
Blackrock Long-term Municipal AdtgTrust (BTA)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Long-term Municipal AdtgTrust Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock Credit Allocation Income Trust do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Credit Allocation Income Trust?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Credit Allocation Income Trust. Other key executives at Blackrock Credit Allocation Income Trust include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , other: Portfolio Manager Charley Hung , and other: Investment Adviser Blackrock (singapore) Ltd. .
Blackrock Credit Allocation Income Trust (BTZ) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Credit Allocation Income Trust (BTZ) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Blackrock Credit Allocation Income Trust (BTZ) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Blackrock Credit Allocation Income Trust (BTZ)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Credit Allocation Income Trust Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock Enhanced International Dividend Trust do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Enhanced International Dividend Trust?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Enhanced International Dividend Trust. Other key executives at Blackrock Enhanced International Dividend Trust include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , other: Portfolio Manager Rosalind Alice Edwards , and other: Portfolio Manager Molly Greenen .
Blackrock Enhanced International Dividend Trust (BGY) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Enhanced International Dividend Trust (BGY) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Blackrock Enhanced International Dividend Trust (BGY) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Blackrock Enhanced International Dividend Trust (BGY)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Enhanced International Dividend Trust Insider Transactions
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What does BlackRock Taxable Municipal Bond Trust do?
Who are the key executives at BlackRock Taxable Municipal Bond Trust?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of BlackRock Taxable Municipal Bond Trust. Other key executives at BlackRock Taxable Municipal Bond Trust include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , other: Portfolio Manager Kristi Manidis Santiago , and other: Portfolio Manager Phillip Soccio .
BlackRock Taxable Municipal Bond Trust (BBN) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in BlackRock Taxable Municipal Bond Trust (BBN). Other recent insider transactions involving BlackRock Taxable Municipal Bond Trust (BBN) include a net purchase of 10 shares made by Stayce D. Harris ,
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of BlackRock Taxable Municipal Bond Trust (BBN) in total and bought 10 shares, with a net purchase of 10 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of BlackRock Taxable Municipal Bond Trust (BBN) were sold and 10 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 10 shares.
BlackRock Taxable Municipal Bond Trust (BBN)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
BlackRock Taxable Municipal Bond Trust Insider Transactions
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What does BlackRock Resources & Commodities Strategy Trust do?
Who are the key executives at BlackRock Resources & Commodities Strategy Trust?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of BlackRock Resources & Commodities Strategy Trust. Other key executives at BlackRock Resources & Commodities Strategy Trust include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , Chief Financial Officer Trent Walker , and other: Portfolio Manager Thomas Holl .
BlackRock Resources & Commodities Strategy Trust (BCX) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of BlackRock Resources & Commodities Strategy Trust (BCX) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of BlackRock Resources & Commodities Strategy Trust (BCX) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
BlackRock Resources & Commodities Strategy Trust (BCX)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
BlackRock Resources & Commodities Strategy Trust Insider Transactions
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What does Blackrock Municipal 2030 Target Term Trust do?
Who are the key executives at Blackrock Municipal 2030 Target Term Trust?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Blackrock Municipal 2030 Target Term Trust. Other key executives at Blackrock Municipal 2030 Target Term Trust include other: Portfolio Manager Christian Romaglino , Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , and other: Portfolio Manager Kristi Manidis Santiago .
Blackrock Municipal 2030 Target Term Trust (BTT) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in Blackrock Municipal 2030 Target Term Trust (BTT). Other recent insider transactions involving Blackrock Municipal 2030 Target Term Trust (BTT) include a net sale of 1,519 shares made by Christian Romaglino , and a net purchase of 10 shares made by Stayce D. Harris .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Blackrock Municipal 2030 Target Term Trust (BTT) in total and bought 10 shares, with a net purchase of 10 shares. During the past 18 months, 1,519 shares of Blackrock Municipal 2030 Target Term Trust (BTT) were sold and 10 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 1,509 shares.
Blackrock Municipal 2030 Target Term Trust (BTT)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Blackrock Municipal 2030 Target Term Trust Insider Transactions
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What does BlackRock Utility Infrastructure & Power Opportunities Trust do?
Who are the key executives at BlackRock Utility Infrastructure & Power Opportunities Trust?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of BlackRock Utility Infrastructure & Power Opportunities Trust. Other key executives at BlackRock Utility Infrastructure & Power Opportunities Trust include Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , other: Portfolio Manager Lindsay Victoria Sinclair , and Chief Financial Officer Trent Walker .
BlackRock Utility Infrastructure & Power Opportunities Trust (BUI) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in BlackRock Utility Infrastructure & Power Opportunities Trust (BUI). Other recent insider transactions involving BlackRock Utility Infrastructure & Power Opportunities Trust (BUI) include a net purchase of 40 shares made by Stayce D. Harris ,
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of BlackRock Utility Infrastructure & Power Opportunities Trust (BUI) in total and bought 40 shares, with a net purchase of 40 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of BlackRock Utility Infrastructure & Power Opportunities Trust (BUI) were sold and 40 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 40 shares.
BlackRock Utility Infrastructure & Power Opportunities Trust (BUI)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
BlackRock Utility Infrastructure & Power Opportunities Trust Insider Transactions
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What does BlackRock Multi-Sector Income Trust do?
Who are the key executives at BlackRock Multi-Sector Income Trust?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of BlackRock Multi-Sector Income Trust. Other key executives at BlackRock Multi-Sector Income Trust include other: Portfolio Manager Scott Maclellan , Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , and Chief Financial Officer Trent Walker .
BlackRock Multi-Sector Income Trust (BIT) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in BlackRock Multi-Sector Income Trust (BIT). Other recent insider transactions involving BlackRock Multi-Sector Income Trust (BIT) include a net sale of 1,137 shares made by Scott Maclellan , and a net purchase of 10 shares made by Stayce D. Harris .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of BlackRock Multi-Sector Income Trust (BIT) in total and bought 10 shares, with a net purchase of 10 shares. During the past 18 months, 1,137 shares of BlackRock Multi-Sector Income Trust (BIT) were sold and 10 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 1,127 shares.
BlackRock Multi-Sector Income Trust (BIT)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
BlackRock Multi-Sector Income Trust Insider Transactions
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What does BlackRock Science and Technology Trust do?
Who are the key executives at BlackRock Science and Technology Trust?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of BlackRock Science and Technology Trust. Other key executives at BlackRock Science and Technology Trust include other: Portfolio Manager Tony Kim , Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , and other: Portfolio Manager Caroline Elizabeth Tall .
BlackRock Science and Technology Trust (BST) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in BlackRock Science and Technology Trust (BST). Other recent insider transactions involving BlackRock Science and Technology Trust (BST) include a net sale of 9,500 shares made by Tony Kim , and a net purchase of 30 shares made by Stayce D. Harris .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of BlackRock Science and Technology Trust (BST) in total and bought 30 shares, with a net purchase of 30 shares. During the past 18 months, 9,500 shares of BlackRock Science and Technology Trust (BST) were sold and 30 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 9,470 shares.
BlackRock Science and Technology Trust (BST)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
BlackRock Science and Technology Trust Insider Transactions
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What does BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II do?
Who are the key executives at BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II. Other key executives at BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II include other: Portfolio Manager Kyle Mcclements , other: Portfolio Manager Tony Kim , and Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman .
BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II (BSTZ) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II (BSTZ). Other recent insider transactions involving BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II (BSTZ) include a net sale of 22,676 shares made by Tony Kim , and a net purchase of 1,000 shares made by Kyle Mcclements .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II (BSTZ) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 22,676 shares of BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II (BSTZ) were sold and 1,000 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 21,676 shares.
BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II (BSTZ)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II Insider Transactions
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What does BlackRock Health Sciences Trust II do?
Who are the key executives at BlackRock Health Sciences Trust II?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of BlackRock Health Sciences Trust II. Other key executives at BlackRock Health Sciences Trust II include 10 percent owner Saba Capital Management, L.p. , other: Portfolio Manager Christopher Accettella , and other: Portfolio Manager Kyle Mcclements .
BlackRock Health Sciences Trust II (BMEZ) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in BlackRock Health Sciences Trust II (BMEZ). Other recent insider transactions involving BlackRock Health Sciences Trust II (BMEZ) include a net purchase of 9,384,179 shares made by Saba Capital Management, L.p. , a net purchase of 1,190 shares made by Christopher Accettella , and a net purchase of 1,000 shares made by Kyle Mcclements .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of BlackRock Health Sciences Trust II (BMEZ) in total and bought 79,997 shares, with a net purchase of 79,997 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of BlackRock Health Sciences Trust II (BMEZ) were sold and 9,386,369 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 9,386,369 shares.
BlackRock Health Sciences Trust II (BMEZ)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
BlackRock Health Sciences Trust II Insider Transactions
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What does BlackRock Capital Allocation Trust do?
Who are the key executives at BlackRock Capital Allocation Trust?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of BlackRock Capital Allocation Trust. Other key executives at BlackRock Capital Allocation Trust include 10 percent owner Saba Capital Management, L.p. , 10 percent owner Boaz Weinstein , and other: Portfolio Manager Richard M Rieder .
BlackRock Capital Allocation Trust (BCAT) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in BlackRock Capital Allocation Trust (BCAT). Other recent insider transactions involving BlackRock Capital Allocation Trust (BCAT) include a net purchase of 2,509,568 shares made by Saba Capital Management, L.p. , and a net purchase of 60 shares made by Stayce D. Harris .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 1,836,455 shares of BlackRock Capital Allocation Trust (BCAT) in total and bought 60 shares, with a net sale of 1,836,395 shares. During the past 18 months, 2,716,323 shares of BlackRock Capital Allocation Trust (BCAT) were sold and 5,225,951 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 2,509,628 shares.
BlackRock Capital Allocation Trust (BCAT)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
BlackRock Capital Allocation Trust Insider Transactions
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What does BlackRock Innovation & Growth Tr do?
Who are the key executives at BlackRock Innovation & Growth Tr?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of BlackRock Innovation & Growth Tr. Other key executives at BlackRock Innovation & Growth Tr include 10 percent owner Saba Capital Management, L.p. , 10 percent owner Boaz Weinstein , and Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman .
BlackRock Innovation & Growth Tr (BIGZ) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in BlackRock Innovation & Growth Tr (BIGZ). Other recent insider transactions involving BlackRock Innovation & Growth Tr (BIGZ) include a net purchase of 36,753,304 shares made by Saba Capital Management, L.p. ,
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of BlackRock Innovation & Growth Tr (BIGZ) in total and bought 4,687,123 shares, with a net purchase of 4,687,123 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of BlackRock Innovation & Growth Tr (BIGZ) were sold and 36,753,304 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 36,753,304 shares.
BlackRock Innovation & Growth Tr (BIGZ)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
BlackRock Innovation & Growth Tr Insider Transactions
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What does BlackRock ESG Capital Allocation Trust do?
Who are the key executives at BlackRock ESG Capital Allocation Trust?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of BlackRock ESG Capital Allocation Trust. Other key executives at BlackRock ESG Capital Allocation Trust include 10 percent owner Saba Capital Management, L.p. , other: Portfolio Manager Richard M Rieder , and Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman .
BlackRock ESG Capital Allocation Trust (ECAT) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in BlackRock ESG Capital Allocation Trust (ECAT). Other recent insider transactions involving BlackRock ESG Capital Allocation Trust (ECAT) include a net purchase of 14,960,255 shares made by Saba Capital Management, L.p. , a net sale of 13,000 shares made by Richard M Rieder , and a net purchase of 60 shares made by Stayce D. Harris .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of BlackRock ESG Capital Allocation Trust (ECAT) in total and bought 60 shares, with a net purchase of 60 shares. During the past 18 months, 20,000 shares of BlackRock ESG Capital Allocation Trust (ECAT) were sold and 14,967,315 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 14,947,315 shares.
BlackRock ESG Capital Allocation Trust (ECAT)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
BlackRock ESG Capital Allocation Trust Insider Transactions
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What does BlackRock 2022 Global Income Opportunity do?
Who are the key executives at BlackRock 2022 Global Income Opportunity?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of BlackRock 2022 Global Income Opportunity. Other key executives at BlackRock 2022 Global Income Opportunity include Chief Financial Officer Trent Walker , other: Portfolio Manager Richard M Rieder , and Vice President Jonathan Diorio .
BlackRock 2022 Global Income Opportunity (BGIO) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of BlackRock 2022 Global Income Opportunity (BGIO) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of BlackRock 2022 Global Income Opportunity (BGIO) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
BlackRock 2022 Global Income Opportunity (BGIO)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
BlackRock 2022 Global Income Opportunity Insider Transactions
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What does BlackRock 2037 Mun Tgt do?
Who are the key executives at BlackRock 2037 Mun Tgt?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of BlackRock 2037 Mun Tgt. Other key executives at BlackRock 2037 Mun Tgt include other: Portfolio Manager Christian Romaglino , Chief Compliance Officer Aaron David Wasserman , and other: Officer of the Advisor Peter Hayes .
BlackRock 2037 Mun Tgt (BMN) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made no insider transaction in BlackRock 2037 Mun Tgt (BMN). Other recent insider transactions involving BlackRock 2037 Mun Tgt (BMN) include a net purchase of 2,180 shares made by Christian Romaglino , and a net purchase of 40 shares made by Stayce D. Harris .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of BlackRock 2037 Mun Tgt (BMN) in total and bought 40 shares, with a net purchase of 40 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of BlackRock 2037 Mun Tgt (BMN) were sold and 2,220 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 2,220 shares.
BlackRock 2037 Mun Tgt (BMN)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
BlackRock 2037 Mun Tgt Insider Transactions
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What does Vestis Corp do?
Who are the key executives at Vestis Corp?
James Phillip Holloman is the director of Vestis Corp. Other key executives at Vestis Corp include Chief Technology Officer Grant Shih , EVP and CFO Ricky T Dillon , and EVP & CLO and General Counsel Timothy R Donovan .
Vestis Corp (VSTS) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, James Phillip Holloman made 2 insider transaction in Vestis Corp (VSTS) with a net purchase of 40,600. Other recent insider transactions involving Vestis Corp (VSTS) include a net purchase of 3,862,699 shares made by Corvex Management Lp , a net purchase of 197,280 shares made by Douglas A Pertz , and a net purchase of 16,200 shares made by Ricky T Dillon .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Vestis Corp (VSTS) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Vestis Corp (VSTS) were sold and 4,162,449 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 4,162,449 shares.
Vestis Corp (VSTS)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Vestis Corp Insider Transactions
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James Phillip Holloman Mailing Address
Above is the net worth, insider trading, and ownership report for James Phillip Holloman. You might contact James Phillip Holloman via mailing address: P.o. Box 625737, 6800 Cintas Boulevard, Cincinnati Oh 45262.
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