May 23, 2022 / 07:50PM GMT
Samik Chatterjee - JPMorgan Chase & Co, Research Division - Analyst
Good afternoon, everyone. I'm Samik Chatterjee. I cover hardware equipment at JPMorgan. And the next session is with Lumentum. Alan had to cancel last minute, so we'll do the presentation of the fireside chat here with Wajid, Chief Financial Officer, and the set of questions will remain the same, though. So Wajid, you have now the responsibility of answering them. So thank you, everyone, for coming. We'll stand -- start with the standard questions I had prepared for Alan to give us a broader view of the macro here, and we've been asking every company this, so bear with us.
Questions and Answers:
Samik Chatterjee - JPMorgan Chase & Co, Research Division - AnalystIf I had to ask you to sort of share your thoughts on a potential recession here, and what probability you would put on depending on the customer demand that you're seeing, how would you sort of respond to what's the likelihood of a recession here?
Wajid Ali - Lumentum Holdings Inc. - Executive