Bill Ackman

Bill Ackman

Pershing Square Capital Management, L.P.
Last update 2024-08-14 10 Stocks (2 new)
Value $10.41 Bil Turnover 5 %
Portfolio Report

Bill Ackman Profile

William Ackman, co-investment manager for hedge-fund group Gotham Partners LP, formed Pershing Square in November 2003 with $54 million raised from three investors. Ackman got his start in the real estate business, where he worked for his father prior to starting Gotham.

Bill Ackman Investing Philosophy

Bill Ackman is an activist investor. He buys the common stocks of public companies, and pushes for changes so that the market can realize the values of the companies. Ackman buys stocks trading at a discount, and sells when the companies reach their appraised value.
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