Richard Pzena

Richard Pzena

Pzena Investment Management LLC
Last update 2024-08-02 160 Stocks (12 new)
Value $28.44 Bil Turnover 12 %
Portfolio Report

Richard Pzena Profile

Richard Pzena is the founder and Co-Chief Investment Officer of Pzena Investment Management, LLC. Pzena started the firm in 1995. He earned a BS summa cum laude from the Wharton School in 1979 and an MBA from the University of Pennsylvania in 1980.

Richard Pzena Investing Philosophy

Pzena's philosophy is based on ranking companies from the cheapest to the most expensive on the basis of how their current share price compares to their normal long-term earnings power. He purchases shares in good businesses that are selling at a low price. He understands that it is often unrealistic to expect such opportunities to be available absent some sort of problem which causes the price of the shares to drop. The question Pzena and his team try to answer is whether the issue that caused the drop in price is temporary or permanent.
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