Len Blavatnik - Net Worth and Insider Trading
Len Blavatnik Insider Ownership Reports
Based on ownership reports from SEC filings, as the reporting owner, Len Blavatnik owns 15 companies in total, including Pandion Therapeutics Inc (PAND) , Warner Music Group Corp (WMG) , and Neon Therapeutics Inc (NTGN) among others .
Click here to see the complete history of Len Blavatnik’s form 4 insider trades.
Insider Ownership Summary of Len Blavatnik
Ticker | Comapny | Transaction Date | Type of Owner |
PAND | Pandion Therapeutics Inc | 2020-07-16 | 10 percent owner |
WMG | Warner Music Group Corp | 2007-05-07 | director |
NTGN | Neon Therapeutics Inc | 2020-03-23 | other: Affiliate of 10% Owner |
2020-01-01 | other: Affiliate of 10% Owner | ||
2019-08-29 | 10 percent owner | ||
2015-11-24 | 10 percent owner | ||
2014-12-31 | 10 percent owner | ||
2014-08-06 | 10 percent owner | ||
2020-01-01 | other: Affiliate of 10% Owner | ||
2021-03-23 | other: Affiliate of 10% Owner | ||
2022-01-01 | 10 percent owner | ||
2021-08-09 | other: Affiliate of 10% Owner | ||
2021-05-26 | other: Affiliate of 10% Owner | ||
2022-08-09 | 10 percent owner | ||
2022-12-29 | 10 percent owner |
Len Blavatnik Trading Performance
Len Blavatnik Ownership Network
Ownership Network List of Len Blavatnik
Ownership Network Relation of Len Blavatnik
Len Blavatnik Owned Company Details
What does Pandion Therapeutics Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Pandion Therapeutics Inc?
Len Blavatnik is the 10 percent owner of Pandion Therapeutics Inc. Other key executives at Pandion Therapeutics Inc include director & 10 percent owner Daniel J. Becker , 10 percent owner Versant Venture Capital Vi, L.p. , and 10 percent owner Braslyn Ltd. .
Pandion Therapeutics Inc (PAND) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Pandion Therapeutics Inc (PAND) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Pandion Therapeutics Inc (PAND) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Pandion Therapeutics Inc (PAND)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Pandion Therapeutics Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Warner Music Group Corp do?
Who are the key executives at Warner Music Group Corp?
Len Blavatnik is the director of Warner Music Group Corp. Other key executives at Warner Music Group Corp include director & CEO & Recorded Music Max Lousada , EVP & Chief Digital Officer Carletta Higginson , and Chief Financial Officer Bryan Castellani .
Warner Music Group Corp (WMG) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, Len Blavatnik made no insider transaction in Warner Music Group Corp (WMG). Other recent insider transactions involving Warner Music Group Corp (WMG) include a net sale of 1,803,475 shares made by Max Lousada , and a net sale of 35,000 shares made by Lincoln E Benet .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 35,000 shares of Warner Music Group Corp (WMG) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 35,000 shares. During the past 18 months, 1,838,475 shares of Warner Music Group Corp (WMG) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 1,838,475 shares.
Warner Music Group Corp (WMG)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Warner Music Group Corp Insider Transactions
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What does Neon Therapeutics Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Neon Therapeutics Inc?
Len Blavatnik is the other: Affiliate of 10% Owner of Neon Therapeutics Inc. Other key executives at Neon Therapeutics Inc include President of R&D Richard Gaynor , director & 10 percent owner Robert I Tepper , and Chief Financial Officer Yasir B. Al-wakeel .
Neon Therapeutics Inc (NTGN) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Neon Therapeutics Inc (NTGN) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Neon Therapeutics Inc (NTGN) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Neon Therapeutics Inc (NTGN)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Neon Therapeutics Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Anchiano Therapeutics Ltd do?
Who are the key executives at Anchiano Therapeutics Ltd?
Len Blavatnik is the other: Affiliate of 10% Owner of Anchiano Therapeutics Ltd. Other key executives at Anchiano Therapeutics Ltd include Chief Financial Officer Stephen J. Dipalma , 10 percent owner Access Industries Holdings Llc , and other: Affiliate of 10% Owner Access Industries Management, Llc .
Anchiano Therapeutics Ltd (CMMB) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Anchiano Therapeutics Ltd (CMMB) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Anchiano Therapeutics Ltd (CMMB) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Anchiano Therapeutics Ltd (CMMB)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Anchiano Therapeutics Ltd Insider Transactions
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What does LyondellBasell Industries NV do?
Who are the key executives at LyondellBasell Industries NV?
Len Blavatnik is the 10 percent owner of LyondellBasell Industries NV. Other key executives at LyondellBasell Industries NV include Vice President & HSE Dale D Friedrichs , EVP & CFO Michael C. Mcmurray , and SVP & CAO & Investor Relations Chukwuemeka A. Oyolu .
LyondellBasell Industries NV (LYB) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, Len Blavatnik made no insider transaction in LyondellBasell Industries NV (LYB). Other recent insider transactions involving LyondellBasell Industries NV (LYB) include a net sale of 25,934 shares made by Jeffrey A Kaplan , a net sale of 38,718 shares made by Kenneth Todd Lane , and a net sale of 16,940 shares made by Michael C. Mcmurray .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of LyondellBasell Industries NV (LYB) in total and bought 5,000 shares, with a net purchase of 5,000 shares. During the past 18 months, 100,157 shares of LyondellBasell Industries NV (LYB) were sold and 5,000 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 95,157 shares.
LyondellBasell Industries NV (LYB)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
LyondellBasell Industries NV Insider Transactions
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What does Block Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Block Inc?
Len Blavatnik is the 10 percent owner of Block Inc. Other key executives at Block Inc include Cash App Lead Brian Grassadonia , Interim Counsel Lead Chrysty Esperanza , and Chief Financial Officer Amrita Ahuja .
Block Inc (SQ) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, Len Blavatnik made no insider transaction in Block Inc (SQ). Other recent insider transactions involving Block Inc (SQ) include a net sale of 43,939 shares made by Chrysty Esperanza , a net sale of 95,207 shares made by Amrita Ahuja , and a net sale of 549,783 shares made by Brian Grassadonia .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 51,037 shares of Block Inc (SQ) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 51,037 shares. During the past 18 months, 718,815 shares of Block Inc (SQ) were sold and 975,051 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 256,236 shares.
Block Inc (SQ)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Block Inc Insider Transactions
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What does EP Energy Corp do?
Who are the key executives at EP Energy Corp?
Len Blavatnik is the 10 percent owner of EP Energy Corp. Other key executives at EP Energy Corp include VP & Gen Counsel and Corp Sec Jace D Locke , Senior Vice President Chad D England , and Senior Vice President Raymond J Ambrose .
EP Energy Corp (EPEC) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of EP Energy Corp (EPEC) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of EP Energy Corp (EPEC) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
EP Energy Corp (EPEC)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
EP Energy Corp Insider Transactions
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What does Loxo Oncology Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Loxo Oncology Inc?
Len Blavatnik is the 10 percent owner of Loxo Oncology Inc. Other key executives at Loxo Oncology Inc include Senior VP of Finance Jennifer Burstein , director & President & CEO Joshua H. Bilenker , and director & 10 percent owner Steve Elms .
Loxo Oncology Inc (LOXO) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Loxo Oncology Inc (LOXO) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Loxo Oncology Inc (LOXO) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Loxo Oncology Inc (LOXO)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Loxo Oncology Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Chemomab Therapeutics Ltd do?
Who are the key executives at Chemomab Therapeutics Ltd?
Len Blavatnik is the other: Affiliate of 10% Owner of Chemomab Therapeutics Ltd. Other key executives at Chemomab Therapeutics Ltd include 10 percent owner Orbimed Israel Biofund Gp Limited Partnership , director & 10 percent owner & Chief Executive Officer George Adi Mor , and Chief Medical Officer Matthew Bejosa Frankel .
Chemomab Therapeutics Ltd (CMMB) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Chemomab Therapeutics Ltd (CMMB) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Chemomab Therapeutics Ltd (CMMB) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Chemomab Therapeutics Ltd (CMMB)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Chemomab Therapeutics Ltd Insider Transactions
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What does DigitalOcean Holdings Inc do?
Who are the key executives at DigitalOcean Holdings Inc?
Len Blavatnik is the other: Affiliate of 10% Owner of DigitalOcean Holdings Inc. Other key executives at DigitalOcean Holdings Inc include Chief Financial Officer Matt Steinfort , director & Chief Executive Officer Yancey L. Spruill , and Chief Strategy Officer Megan Wood .
DigitalOcean Holdings Inc (DOCN) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, Len Blavatnik made no insider transaction in DigitalOcean Holdings Inc (DOCN). Other recent insider transactions involving DigitalOcean Holdings Inc (DOCN) include a net sale of 105,265 shares made by Jeffrey Scott Guy , a net sale of 1,658,033 shares made by Yancey L. Spruill , and a net sale of 35,000 shares made by Megan Wood .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 36,423 shares of DigitalOcean Holdings Inc (DOCN) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 36,423 shares. During the past 18 months, 1,852,439 shares of DigitalOcean Holdings Inc (DOCN) were sold and 4,000 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 1,848,439 shares.
DigitalOcean Holdings Inc (DOCN)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
DigitalOcean Holdings Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Gamida Cell Ltd do?
Who are the key executives at Gamida Cell Ltd?
Len Blavatnik is the 10 percent owner of Gamida Cell Ltd. Other key executives at Gamida Cell Ltd include Chief Financial Officer Mary Theresa Coelho , CMO & Chief Scientific Officer Ronit Simantov , and director & President and CEO Abigail L. Jenkins .
Gamida Cell Ltd (GMDAQ) Insider Trades Summary
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 0 shares of Gamida Cell Ltd (GMDAQ) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 0 shares. During the past 18 months, 0 shares of Gamida Cell Ltd (GMDAQ) were sold and 0 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 0 shares.
Gamida Cell Ltd (GMDAQ)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Gamida Cell Ltd Insider Transactions
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What does Climb Bio Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Climb Bio Inc?
Len Blavatnik is the other: Affiliate of 10% Owner of Climb Bio Inc. Other key executives at Climb Bio Inc include Chief Accounting Officer Emily Pimblett , Chief Scientific Officer Valerie Morisset , and director & 10 percent owner Ra Capital Healthcare Fund Lp .
Climb Bio Inc (CLYM) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, Len Blavatnik made no insider transaction in Climb Bio Inc (CLYM). Other recent insider transactions involving Climb Bio Inc (CLYM) include a net sale of 481,639 shares made by Valerie Morisset , a net sale of 3,671 shares made by Emily Pimblett , and a net purchase of 13,008,546 shares made by Ra Capital Healthcare Fund Lp .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 1,235 shares of Climb Bio Inc (CLYM) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 1,235 shares. During the past 18 months, 485,310 shares of Climb Bio Inc (CLYM) were sold and 13,008,546 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 12,523,236 shares.
Climb Bio Inc (CLYM)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Climb Bio Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Day One Biopharmaceuticals Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Day One Biopharmaceuticals Inc?
Len Blavatnik is the other: Affiliate of 10% Owner of Day One Biopharmaceuticals Inc. Other key executives at Day One Biopharmaceuticals Inc include Chief Medical Officer Samuel C. Blackman , COO & CFO and Secretary York Charles N Ii , and director & Chief Executive Officer Jeremy Bender .
Day One Biopharmaceuticals Inc (DAWN) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, Len Blavatnik made no insider transaction in Day One Biopharmaceuticals Inc (DAWN). Other recent insider transactions involving Day One Biopharmaceuticals Inc (DAWN) include a net sale of 240,340 shares made by Samuel C. Blackman , a net sale of 122,037 shares made by Jeremy Bender , and a net sale of 72,915 shares made by York Charles N Ii .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 88,527 shares of Day One Biopharmaceuticals Inc (DAWN) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 88,527 shares. During the past 18 months, 463,467 shares of Day One Biopharmaceuticals Inc (DAWN) were sold and 1,475,454 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net purchase of 1,011,987 shares.
Day One Biopharmaceuticals Inc (DAWN)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Day One Biopharmaceuticals Inc Insider Transactions
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What does Verona Pharma PLC do?
Who are the key executives at Verona Pharma PLC?
Len Blavatnik is the 10 percent owner of Verona Pharma PLC. Other key executives at Verona Pharma PLC include director & President and CEO David Zaccardelli , Chief Financial Officer Mark W Hahn , and Chief Medical Officer Kathleen A. Rickard .
Verona Pharma PLC (VRNA) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, Len Blavatnik made no insider transaction in Verona Pharma PLC (VRNA). Other recent insider transactions involving Verona Pharma PLC (VRNA) include a net sale of 3,255,536 shares made by Mark W Hahn , a net sale of 3,255,536 shares made by David Zaccardelli , and a net sale of 484,856 shares made by Kathleen A. Rickard .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 3,840,000 shares of Verona Pharma PLC (VRNA) in total and bought 101,240 shares, with a net sale of 3,738,760 shares. During the past 18 months, 7,075,952 shares of Verona Pharma PLC (VRNA) were sold and 330,976 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 6,744,976 shares.
Verona Pharma PLC (VRNA)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Verona Pharma PLC Insider Transactions
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What does Disc Medicine Inc do?
Who are the key executives at Disc Medicine Inc?
Len Blavatnik is the 10 percent owner of Disc Medicine Inc. Other key executives at Disc Medicine Inc include General Counsel Rahul Khara , director & Chief Executive Officer John D Quisel , and Chief Medical Officer William Jacob Savage .
Disc Medicine Inc (IRON) Insider Trades Summary
Over the past 18 months, Len Blavatnik made no insider transaction in Disc Medicine Inc (IRON). Other recent insider transactions involving Disc Medicine Inc (IRON) include a net sale of 50,083 shares made by William Richard White , a net sale of 75,429 shares made by Kevin Bitterman , and a net sale of 42,282 shares made by William Jacob Savage .
In summary, during the past 3 months, insiders sold 85,758 shares of Disc Medicine Inc (IRON) in total and bought 0 shares, with a net sale of 85,758 shares. During the past 18 months, 2,713,562 shares of Disc Medicine Inc (IRON) were sold and 388,891 shares were bought by its insiders, resulting in a net sale of 2,324,671 shares.
Disc Medicine Inc (IRON)'s detailed insider trading history can be found in Insider Trading Tracker table.
Disc Medicine Inc Insider Transactions
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Len Blavatnik Mailing Address
Above is the net worth, insider trading, and ownership report for Len Blavatnik. You might contact Len Blavatnik via mailing address: C/o Access Industries, 730 Fifth Avenue, New York Ny 10019.
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