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Performance Charts

The latest version of the stock summary page contains a Performance section.

GuruFocus' stock summary pages contain a wide range of information for a stock, including financial strength measures, profitability measures, our exclusive GF Valuation Line and much more. The latest version of the stock summary pages includes a "Performance Charts" section.

Figure 1 illustrates a sample summary page for Facebook Inc. (FB).


Figure 1

"Performance" section shows stock performance compared with competitors

Figure 2 illustrates a sample "Performance" chart for Facebook and competitors like Google parent Alphabet Inc. (GOOGL)(GOOG) and China-based NetEase Inc. (NTES).


Figure 2

The "Performance" section contains a performance chart, annualized returns over specific time periods and the total return of the stocks each year over the past 10 years.

You can add other stocks to the performance chart

You can add other stocks to the chart by either entering the stock ticker in the "Add ticker" field. Figure 3 illustrates the "Add ticker" command for Apple Inc. (AAPL).


Figure 3

You can also display the performances with or without dividends

To display the performances with dividends, click on the "Dividend" button as Figure 4 illustrates.


Figure 4

Table 1 summarizes the stocks' annualized returns over specific time periods while Table 2 summarizes the stocks' returns for each year. Table 3 reports the annualized returns and returns for each year including dividends.


Table 1


Table 2


Table 3

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